Page 6 of Wilder

“From Serenity. Apparently, their previous teacher quit.”

Wilder’s brows rose at that. Was she talking about Layla and Amelia? He knew Charli had spoken to Kayleigh about the girls getting some coaching from the new employees at the rink.

He might just have to tag along.

Wilder watched as Alexandra got to her feet. The top of her head barely reached Trev’s shoulder, but she seemed to stand taller.

“I’d better get back to the rink. I got a call from the front desk saying they’d had people ask about rink availability today, so I want to be there when we open.”

“Sounds good.” Trev turned to Talya. “Thanks for coming out for the meeting. I hope you remembered to log in. You’ll be paid for your time.”

“I did. Thanks.” She gave him a quick smile, then followed Alexandra out of the room.

Trev stared after them for a moment before turning to face Wilder. It was just the two of them in the room once again.

“I’m never sure how to deal with her.” Chuckling, Trev sank down in a nearby chair. “She actually intimidates me.”

“I can see why.” Wilder didn’t think he’d be intimated by her, but that was probably because he was used to dealing with confident women. Alexandra did seem to take it to a whole new level, however. “Is she local?”

Trev shook his head. “She’s a top-hire. Alexander Remington sent her to us.”

“Really?” Wilder wasn’t surprised that the man had involved himself in the staffing at the resort. He’d been instrumental in the positions Wilder and Kayleigh held, though most didn’t know the connection. “Do you think the rink is going to be popular?”

Trev shrugged. “I think we’re going to need to make it a bit gimmicky, at least at first, which isn’t something I ever thought we’d want here at the resort.”


“You know. Have theme nights. Stuff like that.”

Wilder remembered that the old roller rink in town had been like that. It made sense to utilize something similar at the resort, but he wasn’t sure that Kayleigh or Alexandra would agree. They both looked like they didn’t buy into gimmicky stuff.

“Well, I’m due to grab some lunch with Kayleigh,” Wilder said as he got to his feet. “I’ll probably be around, but I won’t show up to officially work the slopes until the snow is here. However, if you need me for anything, you know you can call me.”

“I do. I appreciate your willingness to help out.” He held out his hand for Wilder to shake. “I think we’re good for now.”

Wilder walked through the front of the building, where people could come to buy or rent ski equipment or just hang out near the fireplace. It was quiet at the moment, but once the slopes were open, that would change.

Cool air greeted Wilder as he stepped outside. He glanced around as he strode to his car, checking to see if Alexandra was still in the vicinity. There was no sign of her, so Wilder climbed into his car and set off for the hotel.

A few minutes later, he was greeting the hostess at The Steakhouse. She was someone he knew from his time working there, so he chatted with her for a couple of minutes before she left him at the table Kayleigh had reserved for them.

Wilder spent some time looking through his social media while he waited for his sister to appear. He didn’t have much to respond to since he hadn’t posted a video in a few weeks. He still had to finish editing his sponsored video from Iceland, along with a couple of other videos he’d taken while in Asia.

In addition to his videos, he also did some digital marketing. His degree was in business with a focus on marketing, and he’d slowly been building up a portfolio. He was a digital nomad, which meant that he could do his work from anywhere as long as he had an internet connection.

He knew his family thought he was just about traveling and posting videos of the places he visited, and then working as a ski instructor in the winter. Both of which were true, but he was also building another business. He knew that he shouldn’t put all his eggs into one basket, which was why he had several streams of income.


Wilder looked up to see Kayleigh settling into the seat across from him. “Hi.”

“It’s good to have you back,” she said with a smile. “I must say I breathe a sigh of relief whenever you and Mom and Dad come back home.”

“You worry about us?”

Kayleigh shrugged. “I think that’s natural given the places you visit sometimes. They’re not always safe for foreigners.”

“Sometimes they’re not safe for their own citizens either,” Wilder said, thinking about the street kids he’d seen.