Page 64 of Wilder

“We have a few of them each year, helping to raise money for various things. The school has done them to raise money for student trips. The church has one or two a year to raise financial support for missionaries. It’s something that people like, so I think it will go over well, especially if the baked goods are Christmas themed.”

Lexi felt like she had fallen into one of those Christmas romance movies her mom loved to watch.

“We’ll also sell hot beverages and mini donuts,” Kayleigh added. “And we’re still trying to figure out the logistics, but Rori is willing to take pictures of the kids with Santa.”

“It’s grown to more than I thought it would be,” Lexi said. “For a bit there, I was worried about how it was going to work out.”

“You and me both,” Kayleigh told her with a grimace. “But sometimes all you need is a starting point. We had that—even though it wasn’t a great one—and I think we’ll end up with something that’s amazing. Perhaps it will become a tradition for future years.”

For a moment, the idea of it was appealing to Lexi. Then she remembered that she might not be there next year. She had noidea what the future held for her, and it was entirely possible she wouldn’t be around in a year.

The door to the rink swung open, and Wilder walked in, grinning as he headed in their direction.

“What have I missed?” he asked as he unzipped his jacket and shrugged out of it, then hung it on the back of the chair and sat down.

“I’m just giving Lexi an update on the fundraiser since Alexander gave his approval,” Kayleigh said.

Seeing the two of them together, Lexi could see the similarities in the siblings, though she’d missed them back when she’d first met the pair. However, while their smiles were similar, Wilder’s came quickly. Kayleigh was more reserved. Of all Wilder’s siblings that she’d met so far, Lexi found that she related the best to Kayleigh.

“So what do you need me to do?” he asked, leaning forward to look at Kayleigh’s tablet.

As Kayleigh filled him in, Lexi stayed quiet and sipped on the tea she’d made herself at home and poured into an insulated mug. Like her, Kayleigh came into work early, so they’d decided to meet at seven before the day got underway.

After steady snowfall through the weekend, it seemed that perhaps Wilder would be starting work soon. Lexi wondered if that meant she’d see more or less of him.

They had the same days off, but that didn’t mean Wilder would want to see her on those days. Lexi hoped that wouldn’t be the case. Even though she knew there was no way there could be anything between them, she was reluctant to give up time with someone she’d come to view as a friend.

“So, are you going to design a program for us?” Wilder asked, his gaze meeting Lexi’s. “You just have to make it really simple. Like make Santa a hockey fan so I can use a stick on the ice.”

“You want Santa to be a hockey fan?” Lexi asked.

“Of course. Don’t you think Santa is a fan of all winter sports?”

She stared at him for a long moment, her pulse fluttering. When he returned her gaze, his brown eyes sparkled with laughter.

“I honestly haven’t spent even a second of my life thinking about what sports Santa might be a fan of.”

Kayleigh laughed. “I have to say I’m with you there, Alexandra.”

Hearing Kayleigh call her by her full name felt weird after Wilder had started to call her Lexi. She found that she wanted Kayleigh and the other Halversons to call her Lexi. The desire to lessen the formality of her relationship with them surprised her. But it also filled her with a warmth that made her certain it was the right decision.

“Well, I’ve given it some thought over the past few days,” Wilder said, relaxing back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest. “And I think it’s only right that Santa be a fan of hockey and other cold weather sports. Like figure skating. I’m pretty sure he’s a fan of yours.”

Lexi couldn’t keep the smile from her face at his words. “Well, if he wants an autograph, let me know.”

“He’s very excited to be skating with Mrs. Claus,” Wilder said with a wink.

“Well, I, for one, am very excited to see how all this works out with Santa,” Kayleigh said as she picked up her tablet. “I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

“I do too,” Wilder told her. “This is going to be an amazing fundraiser for a great cause.”

“Now that we’ve got a direction to move in, I agree.” Kayleigh got to her feet. “I’m going to head back to work, but feel free to contact me if you have any concerns, Lexi.”

“What about if I have concerns?” Wilder asked.

Kayleigh rolled her eyes as she bent over to kiss the top of his head. “I’ve never had to tell you to contact me with your concerns, little brother. You seem to know to do that without any guidance from me. I’ll see you guys later.”

Once it was just her and Wilder, Lexi said, “I have never been involved with something like this. I really hope it works out.”