The department included the people who took care of all the recreational areas, the instructors, the lifeguards for the hotel’s pools, and the people who worked in the shop. It was usually a good group of people, and Wilder looked forward to seeing a few familiar faces among the news ones.
He smiled at the man striding toward him. “Hey there, Trev. How’s it going?”
Trevor clapped him on the shoulder as he grinned back at him. “It’s going great. You showing up means it’s almost my favorite time of year.”
“What? My arrival isn’t your favorite time of the year?”
Trevor laughed. “Nope. Sorry, it’s not. But it heralds it.”
Chatting about the upcoming ski season, they made their way to the staff room at the back of the building.
“So is the skating rink under your supervision too?”
Trevor nodded as he took a seat at one of the tables. “Yep. Although, at the moment, there are only two skating instructors and a guy who takes care of skate sharpening, rentals, and the ice. There’s a café there as well, but those employees don’t fall under this department.”
“Hey, Wilder!”
Wilder lifted his hand for a high five from the young man who’d joined them in the staff room. “How are you doing, Anthony?”
“I’m doing great!” He dropped down beside Wilder. “How are things out there in the big, wide world?”
Wilder thought of the orphanages he’d spent time at. “Some good. Some bad.”
“So kind of like life in Serenity.”
“Did Trev tell you we have some new employees?”
“We always have new employees.”
“Yeah, but these ones.” Anthony’s eyes widened. “They are… wow.”
Wilder lifted his brows, but then gave a shake of his head. “You certainly haven’t changed in the months since I’ve been gone.”
“Why would I change?” Anthony leaned back in his chair, stretching his legs out under the table they sat at, and laced his fingers behind his head. “I’m perfect.”
“And humble to boot.”
“Humility is overrated.”
Wilder didn’t happen to agree, but he also didn’t plan to waste his breath trying to convince the guy of that. He’d learn that lesson soon enough. Perhaps at the hands of one of the new employees.
A few more people joined them, and Anthony took it upon himself to introduce the new employees to Wilder. The young man’s grin grew as he interacted with a couple of the girls who worked as lifeguards with him. They were—of course—very fit, and both had long blond hair pulled back into braids.
“Nice to meet you, Wilder,” one of them said with a flirty smile. “Anthony has told us about you.”
“Only good things, I hope,” Wilder replied.
Both girls giggled. “Of course.”
Wilder could see why these girls appealed to Anthony. They were beautiful, engaging, and because they worked the same job, they already had something in common.
Amy, the taller of the two, kept her attention on Wilder while the other young woman chatted with Anthony and another guy who’d come in with them. “Do you ever swim here?”
“Not usually. I pretty much stick to the slopes when I’m at the resort.”