Page 41 of Wilder

“So, have you ever ridden one of these?” Marty asked as he gestured to where three Segways sat next to a small building that looked like it needed some fresh paint.

“No. I’ve never had the opportunity.”

“Well, you’re gonna have one today,” Marty said with a grin. “Let’s get you suited up, and then we’ll teach you how to ride a Segway. Don’t worry. It’s really quite simple. We have kids as young as twelve use them for the tours.”

Alexandra was silent as Marty led them into the building and handed them headsets, helmets, and a reflective vest.

“The headsets are so I can speak to you as we ride, and the helmet and vest are for safety.”

Wilder thought Alexandra might complain about how unfashionable both were, but she didn’t. She just took the items and put them on.

Once they were all dressed for the tour, Marty walked Alexandra through the process of operating the Segway. She seemed hesitant at first, but soon, she was moving tentatively around the large space Marty had set up for people to practice.

“Doing good,” Wilder said as she rolled past him.

She flashed him a quick smile, then focused on maneuvering the machine around some pylons Marty had set up. Though she moved slowly and cautiously, she was doing pretty good for her first time on a Segway.

Over the next ten minutes, she continued to ride it around, gradually gaining more confidence.

“Think you’re ready to hit the road?” Marty asked.



The three of them wheeled out of the lot and onto the sidewalk that ran along the chain-link fence Marty had set up around the property. Wilder let Alexandra ride directly behind Marty, with him bringing up the rear just in case she needed something. He’d also see if she got into any trouble.

Marty kept them at a steady pace as they headed for the first location of the tour. Wilder had already heard the spiel a fewtimes, but he still paid attention to what Marty had to say. Since it wasn’t an official tour, Marty didn’t stick to his usual script.

About forty-five minutes into the tour, Marty had them pull over in a park for a break. Alexandra headed off to use the bathroom, leaving the two men to chat.

“New girlfriend?” Marty asked as he sat down on the bench beside Wilder, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

“No. More like a new friend who’s a girl.”

“Really nothing more?” Marty didn’t sound convinced.

“I only met her a couple of weeks ago,” Wilder told him. “She’s not from around here, so I thought I’d bring her on this tour so she could learn more about the area.”

“How did you meet?”

“We’re both working at the resort. She’s a figure skater and is working at the new rink that’s been built there. Of course, I’m still working the slopes.”

“Not yet, though, huh?”

Wilder sighed. “Not yet. Hoping for a good dump to get the slopes covered.”

“I can’t wait either. Too much downtime between shutting down this side of the business and getting on with the ski tours makes me antsy.”

“I hear ya. I came home a bit earlier than usual, so now I’m just trying to fill my time.”

“Hence, why you’re on a Segway tour with a beautiful woman?”

“Something like that.”

“Is there a reason she isn’t a girlfriend?”

Wilder pondered the question for a moment. “I think we’re just too different.”