“Supposed to be?What does that mean?”
“I usually end up working seven days a week.”
“Why would you do that?”
“The money I earn at the resort goes toward the cost of my traveling in the off-season. Plus, I really enjoy working with people on the slopes. It’s not a hardship.”
Lexi understood that. When she was training, it was a seven day a week thing, although she had a much lighter workout on Sundays since her dad had insisted they attend church in the morning, and also, their bodies had needed a break.
“If you’re off tomorrow, do you want to do something?”
“Do something?”
“Yeah. If you’re not busy with other stuff.”
Lexi often struggled to fill her days off, and usually ended up just reading or sketching skating costumes in her sketchbook once the rink had opened, forcing her to leave the ice.
“I’m not busy,” she said. “What do you have in mind?”
“Is there anything you enjoy doing outside of skating? Like going to museums or to the movies?”
Lexi hadn’t been to a movie in ages, and museums hadn’t been things she’d had the time to explore. Both sounded interesting.
“Or… if you’re up for a little adventure, we could try a Segway tour in Coeur d’Alene.”
“Segway tour?”
“Do you know what a Segway is?” he asked as he pulled to a stop in front of her building.
“Isn’t it some sort of electrical bike?”
“Sort of. You stand on a wheeled base and hold on to handles to guide it,” he explained. “I think it’s fun.”
Lexi hesitated. Was this something she might enjoy? She wasn’t one for stepping out of her comfort zone very often, and she kind of felt like she’d done a lot of that already since her move to Serenity. Was she really prepared to do it some more?
“I… guess so?”
“I think you’d have fun. We’ll go on a tour around Coeur d’Alene. It usually lasts a couple of hours.”
“What time would we go?”
“I’ll have to see what time the owner has available tomorrow. I’ll text you as soon as I know.”
At least she wouldn’t be bored.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Lexi said as she pulled the handle to open the car door.
“Don’t back out on me,” Wilder told her with a wink.
“I won’t.” Although the thought had crossed her mind. “Goodnight.”
After closing the door, she made her way up the sidewalk to the front door. She used the code to open it, then glanced over her shoulder to see that Wilder’s car continued to idle at the curb. He didn’t pull away until she was safely inside the building.
It was a small gesture that her mom would have appreciated. The man might not be her type overall, but he still had good manners that made her feel valued.
It would be interesting to see what the next day held. If she could put aside the stress of the Christmas program for a few hours, perhaps she could actually enjoy herself.