Page 143 of Wilder

When the airline attendant called for their row to board, they dropped their empty cups into the garbage, then lined up to get onto the plane. After they found their seats, Wilder put their bags into the overhead compartment, then sat down beside her.

Though they weren’t traveling first class, they’d decided that for the comfort of the guys—especially Jay—they would lay out the extra money to get premium seats. Their seat configuration meant there were only the two of them next to the window, andthere was no one in front of them. Jay, Misha, and Peyton were in the middle section of the same row.

As the plane backed away from the terminal, Wilder took Lexi’s hand, then together, they prayed for the trip that lay ahead. Lexi continued to hold Wilder’s hand through take-off. She wasn’t necessarily scared of flying, but the take-offs and landings were always a little nerve-wracking for her.

She hoped that this was just the first of many trips that they took together. After spending time immersed in the culture and beauty of another country, Lexi thought she might be more interested in traveling with Wilder, as long as her budget and schedule allowed it.

He handled all the aspects of traveling with ease because he’d done so much of it. That made things less stressful for Lexi, which meant she was willing to do more of it.

Throughout the flight to Seoul, they chatted about their plans for the next few months. It wasn’t unusual for them to seek input from each other on things that might impact their future as a couple. How he sought her input and offered his was just one more thing she loved about him.

She’d received an email while in Thailand from the parents of a girl who had been taking skating lessons for four years, but now they wanted to get more serious with her training. They happened to live in Spokane, so at least they wouldn’t have to uproot their entire life to accommodate training, as long as they didn’t mind commuting for a little over an hour one way.

“Are you going to take her on?” Wilder asked.

“I want to meet with her first and see how she handles her skating ability.”

“Do you rely on chemistry at all?” he asked. “Like if you get along?”

“We don’t necessarily have to get along, but I need to know she respects our roles and is willing to listen and do what I ask of her. I didn’t get along with my coaches all the time, but I respected their knowledge and did what they wanted.”

“How are you feeling about it? Optimistic? Wary? Excited?”

Lexi considered his question for a moment, then said, “All of the above? Can I claim that?”

“You certainly can.” Wilder gave her hand a squeeze. “Also, I think we need to seriously consider doing a skating video to upload to your channel.”

Lexi still wasn’t sure if that would be something that people would actually want to watch. But she had the time to do it and was willing to give it a try. Plus, being able to do something with Wilder always made her feel good. She thought they made a good team.

She might not be making plans for the Olympics or a World Championship, but these plans with Wilder still felt significant. They were working together for their future.

Two years ago, her world had fallen apart. She’d tried putting it back together herself, but had continued to struggle. Her mom had moved forward so quickly after the upheaval of their lives and had expected Lexi to do the same, but she just hadn’t been able to.

It wasn’t until she’d come to Serenity that she’d met people who’d showed her the importance of God in her life and had offered friendship and acceptance that had nothing to do with how many medals she had or what her father had done.

God had placed Wilder and his family in her life, and he had helped her figure out a way to put the shattered pieces of her life back together. And in the process, he’d taught her about love and how God intended it to be lived out in one’s life.

Lexi leaned against Wilder’s arm as she smiled up at him. “I love you.”

Wilder’s eyes shone as he smiled back, then he gave her a kiss. “I love you too.”


“This looks even better than last year,” Kayleigh said as she stood beside Wilder, taking in the transformed rink. “The community support is amazing.”

Wilder couldn’t help but agree, and it made him so happy. The more people that turned out, the more word of the orphanages spread. And the more money they were able to raise.

His gaze skipped over the crowd in search of one person. His person. The one he’d come to love above all others in his life.

No surprise, he found Lexi on the ice, and she wasn’t alone. Over the past few months, the number of students she coached had grown. It was amazing to see how she’d blossomed as she found her footing in her new life.

Even her mom had come around and accepted that Serenity was where her daughter wanted to be, and that she was truly happy there. At that moment, Eileen stood at the boards with her husband, Leland, watching Lexi skate with some of her students.

Eileen and Leland were in town for the fundraiser, but they planned to stay through the new year, so they’d be there for Christmas. When his mom had heard that they were going to be in town, she’d extended an invitation for them to stay at thebig family house. Lexi had been surprised, but happy, when her mom had accepted.

Alexander and his family were going to be there as well, and this year, Hudson and Kayleigh had invited them to also be part of the Halverson Christmas celebration. It was going to be chaos—as usual. And Wilder couldn’t wait. The wilder the better.

“Santa!” Ciara came running over to Wilder, and, without hesitation, he scooped her up.