Page 125 of Wilder

Wilder wasn’t sure if he hoped that they’d go or not. But in the end, he’d support Lexi either way. He just hoped that she didn’t get pressured into it by Mik and the coaches if she really didn’t want to go. However, maybe having had a taste of competing again, she’d be tempted to return to that life… for more than just this season.

He’d been praying a lot lately about his feelings for Lexi. He knew that he couldn’t just base his decisions on how he felt. Pursuing anything with her would be a major change in his life, and he couldn’t just jump into it without seeking God’s will.

They continued to watch as the winners were presented with their medals. Lexi shook hands with the other skaters as she and Mik made their way to the gold medal position on the platform that was set up for the ceremony.

Wilder felt tears prick his eyes as the American national anthem began to play.

When it finished, Charli cleared her throat and said, “Well, that was amazing.”

“I want to skate in the Olympics,” Amelia announced. “And I want Lexi to show me how to do it.”

Wilder glanced at Charli in time to see her exchange a glance with Blake. Was that anoh nolook, or anI told you soone? He’d heard a lot of stories about athletes who’d been motivated to go to the Olympics after being inspired by watching an athlete perform at the Olympics. Maybe this was Amelia’s moment.

“Do you think I can do that, Daddy?” Amelia asked, looking over at Blake.

“You can do anything you want, Berry. As long as you’re willing to do the hard work.”

Amelia nodded. “I’ll do the hard work.”

“I don’t think I want to go to the Olympics,” Layla said. “Lexi has had to work so hard, she hasn’t even been able to coach us. But I’ll be there to cheer you on.”

Amelia smiled at her sister. “Thanks, Layla.”

Soon the broadcast of the Olympics pairs skating final ended. There was still one more skating event, which was the team finals, and then Lexi would be able to come home.

Or would she go to France to see her mom? Or would she go to Maine?

He had no idea what her next plans were.

Everyone got up and began to gather up the snacks to take everything back upstairs to the kitchen. Even the girls pitched in, picking up the garbage.

Once everything was cleaned up, Wilder jogged up the stairs to his bedroom, then dropped down on his back on the bed. Lifting his phone, he tapped out a message to Lexi.

Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment! All your hard work has paid off. It was an absolutely beautiful, strong performance!

He didn’t expect an answer, since it was likely she was asleep, given the time difference. After thinking it over, he composed another message.

We’d love to throw you a party when you get back. Do you think you’d be up for it?

If not, that’s fine. We were all just so excited to see you win!

After he sent the messages, he groaned as he tossed the phone onto the bed beside him. He should have waited until she responded to his first message before sending off the second and third. His impatience had gotten the better of him.

He went downstairs a little while later to help with supper by entertaining Shiloh. Blake was flipping burgers on the stove, while Charli manned the French fries in the air fryer. The girls were in charge of setting the table in the breakfast nook. Janessa and Will were up in their room since Janessa wasn’t feeling great. Lee and Rori were out on a date.

It was a simple meal, but Wilder wouldn’t complain because it tasted great. The girls ate theirs quickly, then asked if they could take their dessert downstairs to eat while they watched some television.

Once it was just the three adults and Shiloh, Charli sat down across the table from Wilder, cupping her mug in her hands.

“What do you think about Amelia wanting to be an Olympic figure skater?” she asked.

“The dream has to start somewhere, right?” Wilder plucked a cookie off the plate in front of them. “And for someone hoping to rise to those levels of competition, it’s probably best they start young.”

“I’m not sure we can afford to have her train the way Lexi trains.”

Wilder wanted to say that Lexi probably wouldn’t charge them that much. However, it would mean going from one lesson a week to more. Many more. And he had no idea if Lexi was actually going to come back to Serenity to coach.

Blake reached out to cover Charli’s hand. “If it seems that Amelia really has potential, we’ll figure out how to make it work.”