Page 106 of Wilder

“A bit of both. As you get to know the people around you, you understand how to best deal with them. Most of all, I just try to approach things in a loving and caring manner. Adding in a little humor always helps.”

“You kind of just pushed your way in with me.”

Wilder grinned. “Oh yes. A little persistence helps too.”

“Why did you persist?” she asked.

“You’re fascinating,” Wilder said. “And I enjoy getting to know fascinating people.”

“Because I’m an Olympic gold medal winner?”

“That might be part of it,” he said. “But you seemed to be holding yourself apart from everyone.”

“And that didn’t work for you?”

Wilder took a moment to figure out how to respond to that. “In my time of traveling around the world, meeting all kinds of people, I’ve learned that people who hold themselves apart usually are one of two things. They’re hurt, and they’re trying to protect themselves. Or they’re shy or reserved, and just need someone to initiate conversation.”

“And which am I?”

“I would have to say that I think you’re a little bit of both.”

She seemed to consider his words, then shrugged. “You’re not wrong. But it seems like a lot of effort to go to for a stranger.”

“You were only a stranger at the start,” Wilder told her. “Now you’re a friend.”

Wilder thought she might deny it, but she didn’t. That made him smile, even if was edged with a bit of sadness. He wished that their lives were more compatible overall, so that they could be more than friends.

At the moment, they had some compatibility. With them both being into winter sports, there were things they had in common. But even in the commonalities, there were things that were different.

Like her being a professional athlete, while he was simply a ski instructor. It was a small thing that was growing more significant as time went on. Her winter sport was going to take her away from Serenity. It might just be temporary at first, but Wilder didn’t think it would be long before it was permanent.

But for the next twenty-four hours, she was simply Mrs. Claus to his Mr. Claus, and they had the joint goal of entertaining the kids and raising money for the orphanages.

“Sorry this wasn’t as entertaining as I promised,” Wilder said as he gestured to the house.

“It was fine.”

“Hopefully tomorrow is as entertaining as I hope. If not, I give up promising entertainment!”

Lexi laughed, which was a sound Wilder hadn’t heard nearly enough of. “Maybe people just needed a quiet evening before the main event.”

“I hope so. It’s important that it be a success.”

“What time do you plan to be at the rink tomorrow?”

“The doors open at one, so I think I’ll probably be there by eleven, if not earlier. I might get a call from someone who needs to be in there before eleven. In which case, I’ll go whenever they need me.”

“Just don’t forget your costume,” she said.

“I won’t. I’m excited to wear it.”

Lexi shook her head. “Most men wouldn’t want to be caught dead in that outfit.”

“True. But I’m not most men. I love stuff like this. The more fun, the better.”

“You’re popular with the kids, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” Wilder grinned at her. “But I’m also popular with the adults. Especially if I’m keeping their kids entertained.”