Page 102 of Wilder

“Yep!” Layla said, while Amelia nodded.

Seeing Janessa at the boards, Lexi gave her the phone to start the song when they were ready.

They got into position, with Wilder and the girls at the entrance to the ice. Wilder had his hockey stick, and asHere Comes Santa Clausbegan to play, he and the girls headed out first.

After they’d skated through the first verse, they circled back around, and Wilder dropped his stick on the ice by the boards and reached out to take Lexi’s hand. Together, they executed some turns and spins, while Layla and Amelia followed them, also doing some jumps and spins.

It wasn’t a complicated program, and they didn’t even do it perfectly, but it was fun, and Lexi couldn’t help but smile when they finished. She was perched on Wilder’s knee and the girls were standing with them, their arms raised like Lexi and Wilder’s.

The people who’d gathered at the boards applauded and cheered. Lexi stood up and turned to face Wilder as she skated backwards a few feet. He remained on his knee, watching her for a moment, then he gave a grin and got back up to his feet.

He held out his hands to the girls, and then the three of them were off around the ice again. Lexi skated over to where Janessa stood and took the phone back from her.

She pulled up the playlist she’d created with all kinds of upbeat Christmas music, both traditional and contemporary. When she clicked on the first song, the girls let go of Wilder’s hands and skated to the music, using their own choreography.

Wilder skated over to her, leaning over the boards to hug Janessa. “What do you think, Nessa? Will tomorrow be a success?”

“It’s going to be great,” Janessa said. “I think it will be the best Christmas fundraiser ever.”

Wilder chuckled. “Never mind that it’s the first one we’ve ever done.”

“You guys are so cute as Mr. and Mrs. Claus, with the girls as elves. I can’t wait to see you in your costumes.”

Lexi shared Janessa’s excitement, though she wasn’t as vocal about it.

“How close are we to being done here?” Wilder asked, waving his hand at the space.

Charli turned to look at the part of the building where most of the stuff had been set up. “We’re probably done for tonight. We’ll come back a few hours before the start tomorrow to set up the last few things. Most people will be dropping off their baking at our place, but some will be bringing it out here.”

When Kayleigh and Hudson showed up, they had a familiar man with them. Wilder had said he hoped that Alexander would show up, and it appeared that he had.

The older man shook hands with those present, smiling and chatting. He was definitely good at making people feel at ease. His presence could be imposing—given the perfect cut of his suit, his perfectly styled hair, and his expensive watch and shoes—but his smile was warm and seemed genuine.

“Alexandra,” he said as he held out his hand to her. His smile creased the corners of his eyes and seemed to grow from the smile he’d given others. “It’s so wonderful to see you again.”

“Please call me Lexi,” Lexi requested as she shook his hand. “It’s good to see you again, too.”

“I hear you have a fun program planned for tomorrow.”

“I think it is,” she said. “You just missed our practice of it.”

“I’m kind of glad I did because I’m looking forward to seeing the actual performance tomorrow.”

“Layla, Amelia, and Wilder are part of it too,” Hudson said. “So we’re all looking forward to the antics.”

“Are you two coming for pizza?” Charli asked.

“Nope,” Kayleigh said. “We’re going for dinner with Alexander.”

“All the more pizza for us,” Wilder told her.

“Like you aren’t going to just order less pizza,” Kayleigh retorted.

Most of the non-Halversons left as they stood talking to Alexander, calling out their goodbyes as they walked to the door. A few minutes later, Alexander headed off with Kayleigh and Hudson. Will and Wilder helped the girls out of their skates while Lexi took hers off.

They put the skates and the hockey stick in her office, then they all left the rink. The others headed for their cars, but Wilder walked with Lexi to hers.

“So you’re coming over?” he asked as she pressed the fob to unlock the doors.