“I am,” he said. “I’ve prayed about something between us ever since I started having feelings for you. Even when weweren’t talking, I prayed for you, and asked God to work things out between us.”
“I’ve prayed about it too, but I just don’t know how to know what God’s will is.”
Wilder reached for her hand, and Lexi found comfort in his firm grip.
“I think we need to start praying together for our relationship,” Wilder said. “So we can know as a couple that we’re following God’s will.”
A sense of relief and peace filled her, knowing that she wouldn’t be alone in praying about their relationship.
Wilder squeezed her fingers as he cleared his throat. “Also, I know you were uneasy with Miriam today, and I’m sorry for the role I played in that. I should have realized that was a possibility and taken steps to protect you from feeling that way. If I ever say or do anything else that makes you feel uneasy like that, please tell me. I don’t want to do that again.”
Lexi felt the unease Wilder had referenced fade away at his words. She’d like to think she would have confronted him about how he’d made her feel, but she wasn’t totally confident she would have.
She wasn’t as confrontational as she’d once been. Her father’s conviction and what had followed had broken her apart. Coming to Serenity had helped put her back together, mentally and spiritually. But she was different now. And while she hadn’t lost her backbone completely—especially where Mik and her coaches were concerned—she was having to learn how and when to use it in other settings.
“Will you promise me that?” Wilder prompted.
“I will.”
“I love you,” he said. “I know that I haven’t said it since that first time, but I don’t want you to think that’s changed.”
“Why haven’t you said it?”
“I thought maybe you’d feel pressured to say it back. I didn’t want that.”
His explanation just reinforced what a good guy he was and validated how she felt about him. “Well, I don’t know if I would have felt pressured then or not. But I know that I don’t feel pressured to say it now, and I still want to.”
“Go ahead. Don’t keep me in suspense.” A smile grew on Wilder’s face as he winked at her. “Say it.”
Lexi laughed, her heart feeling lighter. “I love you, Wilder Halverson.”
His smile softened as he leaned toward her.
At one time, she might have said that sitting in a car wouldn’t be the most romantic place to share a first kiss. But that night? It was the most perfect place because it was just her and Wilder taking a small—but significant—step forward in their relationship.
The soft press of Wilder’s lips to hers held a wealth of emotion for Lexi. It solidified the seriousness of their relationship and the love they had for each other.
She was glad that they had waited to have their first kiss. It made it feel that much more significant, and she knew in that moment that they both were going to work hard every day to make their relationship a success.
The late August sun beat down on Lexi as she waited for Miriam to finish speaking with Misha. It was still early in the morning, but already the heat was taking hold. The temperature in Thailand was higher and more humid than in Serenity, and it had taken some getting used to the lack of air conditioning. But it had been worth it to experience what she had for the past month.
If someone had told her back in the spring, when they’d first met, that she’d come to consider Miriam a good friend, Lexi would have thought they were crazy. But over the time they’d been at the orphanage, she and the woman had gotten to know each other quite well. Lexi now considered her a good friend.
“It’s been so great having you here,” Miriam said to Lexi as Misha turned to talk to Miriam’s mom. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ve really enjoyed getting a chance to spend some time here,” Lexi told her as they hugged. “And look forward to doing it again.”
“We’ve got to go,” Miriam’s dad called over to them from the vehicle he was using to drive them to the airport. “I want to make sure we’ve got some time to spare, since I don’t know what the traffic is going to be like.”
All their bags were already loaded up in the back of it, so after a final wave, they climbed inside. Peyton sat in the front between Miriam’s dad and Jay, while Lexi sat in the back with Wilder and Misha.
Lexi and Wilder had come to Thailand a month ago, then two weeks ago, Misha and Jay had arrived with Peyton.
She’d been very nervous about the trip and had almost backed out at the last minute. Wilder hadn’t pressured her, though. He’d told her that if she really didn’t want to go, he wouldn’t force her and that it wouldn’t change anything between them. But he still planned to go. With or without her.
It might have been the thought of Wilder spending an entire month with Miriam that had gotten Lexi on that plane out of Spokane. But now that they were preparing to leave Thailand, she was sad that their time was over. The only thing that made the goodbyes easier was knowing that they would be back. Of that, she was certain.