Lexi appreciated that he wasn’t spending time alone with Miriam. There were moments when she still felt a bit uncertain about her relationship with Wilder. Not that he ever made herfeel that way. It was all her own thoughts making her feel that way.
After everything she’d been through, she had a hard time believing that he wouldn’t come to regret giving up his life of travel. His life of freedom to be tied to Serenity for her sake.
“Why don’t you girls go out to the car with Miriam?” Wilder said, holding out his keys to Layla. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Layla grinned at her uncle as she took the keys. “Sure thing.”
Once they had left, Wilder turned back to Lexi. “Are you sure you’re up for dinner?”
Did he not want her to be there? Lexi was uncertain what to say. “Would you prefer I not be there?”
Wilder’s eyes widened as he stared at her. “What?”
“I don’t mind going, but if you’d rather I not be there…”
“Why would I want that?” Wilder asked, his tone incredulous. “I always want you to be where I am.”
“I don’t know.” Lexi shrugged. “It seems that this is a dinner for your friends.”
“It is, but I want you there.”
She stared at him for a long moment, then nodded. “Then I’ll be there.”
Wilder’s smile grew at that pronouncement. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. They hadn’t officially kissed yet, and though some might say the delay was ridiculous, Lexi appreciated that he wasn’t rushing things.
Given that she was still feeling like he was going to regret changing his life, Lexi was leery of moving too quickly.
“I’ll text you when I’ve dropped off the girls.”
“Okay. I’ll be waiting.”
Propping her arms on the boards, Lexi watched Wilder walk to the doors. His long, easy strides ate up the distance, and all too soon, he was gone.
With a sigh, she grabbed her guards and slipped them on her blades, then went to the office. She switched her skates for her boots and dried off the blades before putting the skates in her bag.
She had fifteen minutes left in her shift, so she went back out to the ice. Wandering over to the café, she chatted for a few minutes with Luke, then greeted Talya when she came in. Soon, it was time to leave, so she grabbed her stuff and hurried home, wanting a little time to freshen up before Wilder came to pick her up.
By the time the message arrived that Wilder was leaving the house, Lexi had changed her clothes and was fixing her hair. She had plenty of experience doing different hairstyles, and that day, she’d done her hair up in a partial twist that left the top part in a cascade of curls. She’d freshened up her makeup, adding a bit more eyeshadow and some lipstick.
With a final look in the mirror, Lexi grabbed her purse, phone, and keys and headed down to the entrance to wait for Wilder. As soon as she spotted his car, Lexi pushed open the door and headed over to where the car idled by the curb.
As she approached, Wilder got out and came around to greet her. He wrapped his arms around her and, as was his habit, kissed her forehead.
As he stepped back from her, his gaze went from the top of her head to her feet. “You look beautiful.”
The man never failed to give her compliments, and they always made Lexi feel warm and fuzzy. He always told her she was beautiful, even when she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
“Then we make a good pair because you’re looking pretty handsome.”
Wilder chuckled as he opened the door for her. He waited for Lexi to settle in the seat before closing the door.
“It sounds like Jay and Misha are going to be there tonight too,” Wilder said.
“That will be nice,” Lexi said. She hadn’t spent a lot of time with the couple, but from the little she knew of them, they seemed as nice as the rest of the family.
“I think they’re hoping to spend some time at the orphanage.”
“Will the kids go with them?”