“So tell me how your training is going,” Alexander said as they began to eat.
“I think it’s going well,” she told him. “Mikhail had to relearn to skate with me, since his last partner and I have different body types. Once he’d managed that, we were able to be much more in sync.”
“Are you going to Nationals?” he asked, making it clear that he’d done some research on competitive figure skating.
“That’s the plan.” Irina had let them know that she’d notified the skating officials that Lexi and Mikhail were back together again. Now they were on their way to Nationals, and then hopefully, the Olympics.
“Are you training tomorrow?”
“For a few hours in the morning. We’re usually there from five until the rink opens, but on Sundays, we go from five until ten. It’s our lightest day.”
“I might stop by, if that’s okay.”
“Yes. That would be fine.”
“Also, I’d like to propose something for you,” he said.
Lexi gripped her glass in both hands. “I’m listening.”
“When you’re back from the Olympics, if you’re interested in pursuing a coaching career, I’m offering you the use of the rink here to do that.”
“How would that work?”
“Don’t worry about that yet. Just know that it’s an option.”
“Why would you do that for me?” she asked. “Why have you done any of this for me?”
“Your mom and my wife were friends, and your dad wanted me to be your godfather. When we heard what happened with your dad, Candace insisted that we step in to help you.”
“I appreciate all you’ve done. It’s made a world of difference for me.”
Alexander’s smile was genuine with warmth. “I’m glad we could help you, and I think staying here in Serenity will do you a world of good.” He turned to clap Hudson on the shoulder. “After all, it’s been great for Hudson.”
“Can’t argue at all with that,” Hudson agreed.
Once they finished eating, they didn’t linger, and soon Wilder was driving her back to her car.
“Do you have plans for Christmas?” he asked.
“I’m not sure. Mom wants me to go to France to be with her, but I’m not sure I want to deal with jetlag in the midst of training. We’re limited on time as it is.”
“Well, if you’re here, you’re welcome to join us,” he said. “Our Christmas always includes a lot of people, so we’d be happy to have you.”
She wasn’t sure about spending Christmas with Wilder and his family. But if she didn’t go to France, she would becompletely on her own. Mikhail and Irina had already said they were going back to Maine for a couple of days over Christmas.
“And I’d like for you to be there, too,” Wilder said. “So give it some thought.”
Oh, she would. The question was, would she let logic or emotion lead her to a decision?
As she drove home, Lexi realized that she needed to embrace logic, and logic said that she needed to back away from Wilder and their friendship. It was a distraction that she didn’t need right then, given that training was going to ramp up even more now that the program was over.
Her emotional response to him was something she’d never experienced before, and her feelings for him were even more intense than what she’d felt for Mik. Which shouldn’t be the case.
But Wilder had drawn her in, and while he might be able to keep his feelings in check, she wasn’t so confident about her own ability to do the same.
So it was best all around that she just back off and focus on her skating.