“I think he told them to fuck off and die, but otherwise no.” Steven was chuckling while I was gritting my teeth. “He did mention he managed to snag another thousand shares.”
“You know Pops,” Steven said. “He’s a sly old guy. Obviously, he used a different identity.”
That was our father. He’d never taken shit from anyone, including the press.
“You’re really planning on taking back the company?”
“If I have my way, we’re going to merge World Hospitality with Aeronautical Enterprises.”
“A lofty goal.”
“Not necessarily. Still, this has gotten way out of hand.”
“Yeah, I know. Look, I’ve been doing a little snooping.”
“Meaning?” I sat back in my chair, closing my eyes. I’d been shocked Drake hadn’t tumbled into my office to gloat, claiming winning volley number two. He knew he’d put a serious cog into the situation. The next twenty-four hours would be brutal.
“I’m going to send you some information to your private email. I think you can figure out what I’m seeing, but I want your opinion without me telling you what I think is going on.”
“O-kay. That sounds ominous.”
“Just keeping it real, brother. This is no game we’re playing.” I rubbed my eyes. The ache behind them was getting worse.
“No, it isn’t.”
“How’s Kacey holding up?”
Sighing, I swiveled my chair and immediately looking out the window. The peaceful view wasn’t doing a damn thing for me today. “It’s possible she quit. It’s more than likely I’ll never see her again other than when and if she retrieves the single personal item she placed on her desk.”
“Ouch. What happened?”
“I’m what happened. She took something I shouted to Daniel the wrong way.” By the time I’d gotten to the parking lot, she’d already left. I’d almost gotten into a damn fistfight with one of the reporters when he’d stuck a microphone in my face.
“And she quit? I don’t know her, but from what little you told me, that doesn’t seem like something she’d do.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t see her face. She was so angry with me. And hurt. She was hurt.”
“Then make it up to her.”
“I don’t know how and I’m not sure I have the time.”
Steven huffed. “Bullshit. You own the goddamn company. You can do anything you want. Do you care about this girl?”
“Yes.” The single word was easy for me to say. As soon as I did, my heart started beating rapidly.
“More than you care about your goddamn Maserati?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. There is no comparison. None. She’s perfect in every way. Sweet, vulnerable, but with some serious vixen vibes.”
“My God. You really do like her. I haven’t heard you talk this way in years. Even with Ashley.”
“Don’t mention that bitch’s name to me. She’s trying to take advantage of the situation. She thinks I need to pay her millions with the stock dropping.”
“That’s Ashley. Always the gold digger. I never liked her. I don’t think you really did either. You just tried to convince yourself you were in love. With Kacey, if you care at all, don’t allow her to continue believing what she thinks she heard. Go after her. Takethe time. The one thing you never understood about me was that business was never going to be first in my world. I’m not that kind of man. Neither are you, but you refuse to look yourself in the mirror. When you do, you’ll see I’m right.”
“What makes you think you’re so good on relationship advice?” Steven had a way of digging through the muck and always had.