“I do.”
He had a tiny drip of marinara on his chin. The draw was too irresistible. Reaching over, I swiped my finger through it, but before I could bring my finger to my lips, he pulled it into his mouth. The way he sucked on the entire length brought an intense wave of heat.
When he finally pulled his head back, his eyes were hooded. “Delicious, but not as sweet as what I prefer.”
Warmth washed across my face. “Bad boy.”
We enjoyed the rest of our dinner and by the time a single piece of fudge pie was brought, we were laughing at stupid jokes and innuendoes regarding how he’d acted in his life.
“This is delicious,” I told him. “Chocolate is a passion of mine.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
It was easy to be playful around him and I scooped up a fingerful of the chocolate delight, wiping it across his lips. I burst into laughter from the look on his face. “You’re adorable when your nose crinkles.”
He licked his lips, the move highly exaggerated, and wiped his mouth, tossing his napkin as a statement that he was done withdinner. When he abruptly rose from his chair, I thought I’d pissed him off.
With one arm extended, he beckoned me with a single finger.
“What did I do?”
He grabbed my hand, yanking me from the table and into his arms. “You’re always teasing me. You do know what happens when you do that.” He whisked me away from the table, wrapping his hand around mine and lifting our two arms while he spun me around in a circle.
“You’re dancing?” I teased just like he knew I would do.
“I’m not that bad.” He spun me again, even pushing me away and twirling me before he caught me around the waist, dipping me down low. “Am I?”
“I don’t think there’s anything you can’t do.”
He yanked me back to a standing position, our lips now centimeters away. “No, there isn’t.”
We remained in the same position as he danced slow and easy, dipping me several times and always whisking me back into position.
My pulse was racing, my heart rate increased from a rush of adrenaline. The moment was sensual, the connection we shared unlike anything written in the dozens of romance novels I’d read.
It was so much better.
The dance continued, one song leading into a second. Then a third. The moment shared was a memory I’d keep for months tocome. When the chords slowly faded, he finally brought our lips together in a silent but passionate kiss.
He was gentle with his actions, more so than I was used to with him. I was struck how amazing it felt being in his arms. This was more natural, as if we’d been together for years. When he released me, he didn’t let go of my hand. I finally noticed the staff in the restaurant were watching, enjoying the beautiful moment between us.
“Thank you, Giovanni. Everything was amazing.”
“Mr. Winfield. It was a pleasure.” The older gentleman nodded to me and Sebastian waited while I grabbed my purse and the jacket I’d brought before escorting me to the parking lot.
“I’ve had an incredible evening.”
“We’re not finished yet.”
“What do you have in mind?”
He laughed as he unlocked his Maserati, ushering me into the passenger seat. “You’ll learn soon enough.”
As he drove, I leaned over the console, able to put my head on his arm.
He pulled through an open set of gates. There was a beautiful and very large fountain directly ahead, lights from underneath the water creating a shimmering effect. There were four buildings around the circle, all ornate in design.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but when he pulled up to what looked like a quaint motel, it was another surprise. However, this motel was different than a dive on a dangerous street or a nearly abandoned facility from days gone by. Whilethere was a sign that indicated I was right, the buildings themselves certainly weren’t from decades before.