“We’re in a tiny restaurant on the far side of town. Certainly, a place I’ve never heard of and given there is no one else here, I don’t think it’s very popular. But you planned it that way. You had me meet you far away from the office or my father’s house while not allowing me to meet you at yours. You ensured at least three times by glancing in the rearview mirror that no one was following us. I’d say you’re doing your absolute best to keep our tryst a deep, dark secret.”
He leaned forward like I was doing. With the intimately sized table, our elbows met in the center and I was able to gather a delicious whiff of his aftershave. “I’ll have you know the restaurant is considered trendy, and noted as employing one of the top five chefs in the Midwest.”
“Then why it is empty?” I asked as I lifted my glass of wine.
He offered me a heated look in return.
I pulled back slightly before I’d taken a sip. “Wait a minute. You bought out the restaurant for a night. Didn’t you?”
He chuckled and lifted his glass of whiskey, swirling the liquid contents. “What if I did? Would that impress you?”
“Never.” I was shocked. Was he kidding me? I was completely impressed, more so than I’d been before. With him. With anyone.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
I shrugged in return, unable to keep a smile from my face. No one had ever done anything like this for me. “At least I was a good liar these last two days.”
“Meaning Drake doesn’t seem to suspect anything.”
I’d offered my help and was watching Drake very carefully, constantly interrupting him and asking for files. I’d yet to see him attempt to use a jump drive and I wanted some time spent with his computer to see what private files he had. I hadn’t mentioned it to Sebastian because I knew he wouldn’t approve.
Or allow me to do so.
“I assure you Drake will make a mistake. But we’re not here to talk business.”
“We’re not?”
“No,” he growled just as the waiter placed our pasta in front of us.
“Would the lady like some Reggiano?” the waiter asked.
“I believe I would.” I nodded after a few seconds that I’d had enough, waiting patiently until the young guy asked if we needed anything else and left.
Sebastian lifted his eyebrows. “As far as everything else you said. Yes, I wanted to ensure we weren’t followed. I have my reasons why.”
“And they are?” I picked up the pasta spoon, eager to hear what he had to say.
“Have you told your father about your recent interest in me?”
He had me there. My face suddenly felt very warm. “He hasn’t been home much and in truth, it’s none of his business. Plus, I thought it was your recent interest in me.”
“Yes, well, you know I take what I want. I’ll leave speaking to him up to you, but he has a right to know.”
“I know. With everything going on at the office, I haven’t figured out how to tell him.” I spun the pasta with my fork and he was watching me intently.
“Does that mean you’re ashamed or worried about his reaction?”
“Of course I’m not ashamed. I’m a big girl and I’ve been living my life the way I wanted for years. My father knows that. I don’t want to screw up your friendship. That’s not fair to either one of you.”
He took a bite of his food, wiping his mouth afterward before lifting his heated gaze. There was such amusement in his eyes I found myself smiling all over again. He had a way about him that could disarm anyone. He certainly had with me. I laughed nervously.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“You. You’re nothing like I thought when I stepped into your office. It’s like you’re a different person. Someone I could actually end up liking.”
“You didn’t like me before this?”