I could tell by the single bead of sweat I noticed sliding down the man’s face.
And he never sweated. He’d been born to be a Marine and to this day acted as if he were an active member. That’s why he was so damn good at his job.
However, I’d once been considered better. I’d allowed my personal life to cloud my decisions and my judgments. That would never happen again.
It was interesting to me that Kacey wasn’t a distraction. She was not only an asset, but I found myself thinking of her more like a teammate. But for my work and my eyes only. The thought again made it difficult for me to sit comfortably.
“Well, Ms. Taylor. Very little surprises me any longer in business,” Francis told her as he leaned forward.
“You’re lucky, Mr. Kane. At this point in my career, most things and especially people shock the hell out of me.” She slyly threw me a look, those bright eyes of her flashing.
But he caught it, a smile crossing his face. Now I was the one who was shocked. His skin didn’t crack under the pressure.
“Yes, well, you’re young. Give it time. Business deals can steal your soul, but hopefully you’ll escape the madness with minimal scars.”
“Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you, Francis?” I couldn’t help but interject.
“Somehow, I think you’ve managed to capture a good one, Winfield. She can hold her own.”
My little diamond was miffed she’d suddenly been taken out of the equation. “Yes, I am much tougher than most men I know. I also don’t accept anyone pushing me off. However, if you’re too busy or uninterested, we have six other meetings today and I’m very interested in keeping my lunch date.”
I’d be damned. The little cub didn’t just have claws. She had venomous ones. And she’d sliced the man’s artery open and he had no clue he was bleeding out on the floor, all while keeping a sweet and unassuming smile on her face. If her idea came to fruition, she’d be my spokesperson.
I could only imagine the salary she’d demand. I was looking forward to going head-to-head with her over the dollar amount.
She started to stand and Francis didn’t bother looking in my direction before grabbing her arm. I almost wagged my finger in a warning that he should be careful, he could pull back a stump, but I was enjoying myself too much.
He immediately pulled his hand away, curling his fingers. “Forgive an old man, Ms. Taylor. I don’t have an opportunity tospend time with beautiful yet powerful women but so often. Do not tell my wife that.”
At least his attempt at making a joke drew down some of the tension in the room.
“I like the idea the two of you came up with. I really do,” he said.
“I can’t take any credit here. Kacey has been working on this for a couple weeks day and night.” Somehow, it seemed I’d garnered more respect from the man by giving her the credit she was due. It was a surprise as he’d never acted as if women were viable in the business place.
Maybe I’d been wrong about him.
“You also surprise me, Sebastian. You’re not quite the merciless snake I thought you were. I can tell the two of you balance each other and work very well together. I’m going to need to think about your counteroffer, but as I said, I’m very interested. I assume there would be some level of exclusivity.”
A sheer look of amusement on her face, she slowly turned her head in my direction. At least I knew what Francis had been thinking during the years of working together.
“It depends on the nature of the deal, Mr. Kane. I’m certain you can understand that.” Her sweetness had returned, but there was an edge in her voice.
She would quickly grow into a true force to be reckoned with.
“Understood and if I may say without sounding condescending that you’re going to do very well in Winfield’s company. You might even teach him a thing or two.” He winked and looked straight into my eyes, offering a nod of respect.
That’s also something I’d never gotten from him before.
“I’m certain I can learn a lot from my boss as well,” she told him, as if wanting to make it perfectly clear I still ran the company.
I could see a bonus was in her future.
“Yes, I’m certain of that as well. I’ll walk you out. I know you have a busy day ahead of you.” The three of us remained quiet as he walked with us toward the exit, turning toward me just before we were in front of the door. “I’ll give you a call in the next two days, Sebastian. There are several things I need to work through.”
The fact he’d also used my first name was yet another breakthrough. Having her with me had been a damn good decision. She was making inroads that I’d been unable or perhaps incapable of doing.
“Perfect. I should be back in St. Louis by then. Just keep in mind there is a lot of interest, but I prefer working with people I consider my team.”