He was being completely professional and hadn’t so much as looked at me as anything but a colleague except when I’d opened the door. That was the moment I’d seen a flash of what he’d shown me the night we’d crossed the line.
Although we hadn’t known we were doing that.
Just two adults indulging in their passion.
I shook off the thought as he continued mulling over what I’d told him.
“My father was the hospitality guru. I wasn’t a people person.” I was surprised he had no issue with admitting his faults.
“Let’s be frank and I’m not trying to insult you, but you still aren’t. You’re cranky and irritable. You have no patience and you cut people off when you’re done hearing from them. That doesn’t bode well for being able to nurture business relationships. Ifit’s a one and done then fine, be a jerk. But if you want repeat business, you need to hire the right person for the job.”
Why was it what I’d just said had a dirty sound to it?
“That’s what Drake was for,” he insisted, the sparkle in his eye returning.
“Yeah? Well even if he isn’t sabotaging your company, his image as the playboy is turning people off.”
“How so?”
“Let’s face it. He has a smarmy attitude that is easily apparent when you meet him. You guys might be rich, but you’re not in that league. Rich people need to feel like they’re being catered to and Drake just doesn’t have that in him. Imagine mixing your luxury planes directly with the hospitality business. Women usually suggest and plan for vacations, extended stays, and even some business trips. They definitely don’t want to see the face of a man they consider to be condescending to them as the face of the company. I suggest a woman.”
Why not go all out since I had his ear?
“Very astute of you. Almost profound and quite accurate. I thought you were taken by him.”
“Not a chance. He gives me the creepy crawlies.”
“I was certain by the way he was looking at you that your connection was much stronger.”
“If you think I was hired to undermine you, then you’re dead wrong and that’s highly insulting. I do have integrity.”
“Oh, I know that all too well.”
“Then what is it? Are you jealous?” I ran the tip of my finger around the rim of my wineglass before bringing it to my lips. He watched my every move. When he leaned over the table, a little flutter occurred in my heart.
“I’m not usually a man who becomes jealous of anyone.”
“But I’m your exception. I wonder why.”
“For one thing, as I already told you, I need to be able to trust you.”
I nodded. “I hope you know you can.”
“I do.”
“Then what’s the other reason?”
“Because I meant what I said. I will discover everything that makes you tick.”
While the comment wasn’t particularly romantic, it was his way of saying he was interested. “I’m curious. What makes you tick?”
He smirked and wrapped his long fingers around his glass of whiskey. It was sinful that I was enjoying spending time with him. He’d been right in that I used sarcasm as a method of keeping him at arm’s length. I thought it would be easy for a man with hot and cold tendencies, but all throughout dinner, I’d found myself relaxing.
Even enjoying the often-heated conversation. He’d listened to my advice, some even making him laugh. But he’d listened. That had been unexpected.
Maybe there was some decency in him after all.
“What makes me tick?” he repeated.