New York City.
It was a city I loved to hate. I’d spent some time here, but overall, I wasn’t impressed with the crowds, the smog, or the food. My brother adored everything about the city and would easily move here if he could.
However, being here was a necessary evil on one hand and perhaps a pleasure on the other. I headed for her door, cognizant of the few people watching my every move. I had a feeling seeing a full-length dark sedan with a driver wasn’t typical behavior for the neighborhood. The area was quieter, brownstones lining both sides. The walkways were lined with trees, but there was still a feeling that everything was too cramped. Too busy.
I headed up the stairs, hitting the buzzer. Within seconds, I was allowed in. The interior foyer was dark and dingy, the stairs having seen better days. I wondered what she’d seen in the city after graduating college.
I took the stairs two at a time, hating all the noises I heard coming from other apartments. With our meeting tomorrow, she’d agreed to sharing dinner with me so we could discuss how best to handle working with Mr. Kane. He’d been none too happy to accept my request, but I was ruthless enough to learn everything I could about the people I worked with.
Issues with money. Difficulties with employees. Living a second life. There was nothing that I couldn’t find.
Which is why I remained furious with myself for not learning about my father’s addictive habit before being slammed in the face with it by Ashley.
It hadn’t taken me long to learn the truth. My father was heavily into a bookie. Thankfully, the asshole didn’t appear to be mob related. Although through the man’s tutelage, my father had squandered almost two million dollars. I had no clue how he’d managed to do that in only two years, but it was there in black and white.
And I doubted my mother had any idea.
From what I could tell, he’d sold many of his stocks, but not the ones invested in his old firm, now titled World Hospitality Corporation. While my brother and I owned several shares of stocks as well, I had paid little attention to their numbers, tasking my financial advisor to keep me out of harm’s way. I found it interesting that the stocks had soared since my father had left.
Something was off, but I had no time to delve into matters that had nothing to do with my company.
My father I would deal with when I returned.
I heard footsteps and the door was opened, my breath caught in my throat. While Kacey was always a visionary pleasure, on this night she was ravishing.
Her usual look of defiance faded into something that I couldn’t read, yet her features were softened, her long hair styled in curls around her face. She evoked all my depraved carnal needs. At this moment I was nothing but a predator and she was my prey.
At least I wouldn’t need to hunt her down.
“You look amazing, Kacey.”
Her eyes swept over me as they’d done before, a slight flush cresting along her jawline. I had a sense she felt her own embarrassment and did her best to hide it. It felt like the only emotion she’d shown me other than disdain and anger.
Unless you added desire into the category.
There was a clear chemistry between us, a need threatening to outweigh the business relationship we’d attempted to enmesh ourselves in. However, I was the boss. I could do whatever the hell I wanted.
Including with her.
“You didn’t need to purchase me a dress. I’m perfectly capable of selecting my attire and even dressing myself. I’ve been doing that successfully since I was four years old.”
I leaned my arm against the doorjamb, allowing myself to go over every detail of the dress. I’d determined her size perfectly, albeit with the help of a lovely store clerk who’d been more than happy to help me. The material was soft, accentuating every luscious curve and reminding me that her breasts were made for my hands and my hands only.
There was the jealous beast in me I hadn’t known existed.
Her scent had already stained my skin, the exotic fragrance holding a hint of night-blooming jasmine. I had the strongest yearning to wrap my hand around the back of her neck and force her against me before fucking her up against the wall.
The thought was practically evil and necessary to shove aside.
For now.
“I think it’s possible and in fact best if we would try cutting down on the sarcasm. Don’t you?”
I’d embarrassed her even more. She looked away briefly, nodding to herself as if realizing she was fueling a nonexistent fire of anger. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m not used to men doing nice things for me without wanting something in return.”
“Ouch. Contrary to what you might believe, not all men are assholes.”
“I’ve yet to find that proven. Other than my father, of course. He’s perhaps the nicest man alive. I doubt he’s ever done a mean thing in his life. Certainly not to a woman.” She grabbed her purse, clutching it against her chest as if fearing I’d steal it from her.