“I don’t mind being spoiled, but I do that myself.”
“Like when?”
I glanced around my tiny apartment bedroom, the few boxes packed and ready to go an indication of how little I’d indulged in for myself over the years. “Okay, like never, but I’m going to change that.”
“Do so by being kind to the woman inside. How long has it been since you got laid? Oops,” she teased. “How could I forget? Tell me how hot it was again and why continuing your chemistry sessions isn’t a good idea?”
“Fine. I’ll wear the dress and try and enjoy dinner. But I’m not sleeping with him. Not a chance.”
“If you say so.”
“Wait? There’s a note.” I was almost shocked he hadn’t included a diamond necklace. I rolled my eyes. Right. This was definitely no fairytale. More likeNightmare on Elm Street.
“Well, what does it say?” she pushed.
“It says…” I had to read it twice, both times with a lump in my throat. “Let’s create some magic together. Seven p.m. sharp. Until then.”
“Hmmm… Not that sexy except for the magic part.”
“He’s talking about turning the company around.” Even though I’d spent three days at my old job finishing up details while helping train a new person, all I’d been thinking about was if it was possible Sebastian’s partner was sabotaging him. Anything was possible in the cutthroat world of business, but finding evidence could prove to be impossible. I’d just noticed a tiny pattern with the books, so small it would be considered negligible, but it continued to nag me.
“I don’t know. Whatever you do, go into tonight with an open mind.”
“And if it turns into something more… romantic?” I didn’t see a romantic bone in the man’s body. Sure, he was passionate, but romance was entirely different.
“Then lose yourself in the moment. If you don’t, you might regret it.”
Regret I was already feeling along with guilt and confusion.
For all the time I’d spent learning to loathe him, I knew better. I wanted the fairytale.
But not at the expense of selling my soul.
“Pull over right here, Thompson,” I told my driver.
“Yes, sir.”
The hired chauffeur was forced to double park in front of her apartment building. I peered out the window at the brownstone, not surprised at Kacey’s choice. She had a down-to-earth eclectic style about her that was in direct contrast to the way she handled herself in business.
I liked that about her. A little too much.
As he opened the door, I asked myself again what I was attempting to accomplish by purchasing her a dress and accessories. I’d never done anything like that before; it was completely out of character for me. I’d enjoyed it, which was an even bigger surprise. Shopping was something I hired people to do.
I stepped out and buttoned my jacket. “I’ll only be a couple minutes.”
“Take your time, sir.” I always hired the same company when I was forced to come to New York. They were professional and afforded me additional time to handle whatever business that had brought me to the ugly city in the first place.
“If you will, open the champagne in my absence.”
“Absolutely, sir.”
All was fair in love and war.
The phrase was ridiculous. There was nothing fair about either one. It was the person who knew how to work the angles who came out better in the end. That’s what I intended on doing by talking with Francis Kane and with Kacey’s assistance, I had a feeling I’d be victorious.
What I was doing by taking the lovely woman out to dinner was something else entirely. Perhaps I was more conniving than I’d originally realized, something she didn’t mind bringing to my attention whenever possible. I squelched a laugh, but it was impossible to control my tightening balls.