Page 48 of His Rules

“Ms. Taylor. It’s good running into you,” he said as he gripped my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“Why is that?” I looked down at the hold, already feeling a little nauseous. There was something about the man I didn’t like at all and I’d yet to put my finger on why.

“I wanted to see if you’d consider having a drink with me after work.”

A drink? I hadn’t been prepared for him to ask me out. “I’m sorry, but isn’t there a rule that absolutely no fraternization is allowed?” I was using a tactful word, but in black and white in the handbook, dating and hooking up were strictly prohibited.

He chuckled as if I’d just made a joke. “I’m not asking you out on a date, Ms. Taylor. I simply like getting to know the people who work for me.”

“So you take every new employee out for a drink?” I knew better. He was more arrogant than Sebastian and certainly acted as if he was better than others.

“Some of them, yes. Do I take it you agree?”

I felt a presence off to the side and dared take a quick look. Sebastian stood maybe twenty feet away and the look on his face was just as possessive as I’d seen the night we’d engaged in carnal activities.

“I can’t. I’m leaving very early on a flight to New York. But thanks for the offer.” I pulled my arm away just as Sebastian was heading in our direction. From the expression he now wore, I could tell he was furious at seeing the interaction.

“Sure. Maybe another time. Sebastian. We should go over some numbers before you leave today.”

Sebastian looked at him coolly before concentrating his attention on me. “I’ll stop by your office after my meeting with my financial analyst.”

It was the first time he’d actually used the term around me.

Drake sighed. “I’ll be waiting.”

Sebastian waited until his partner had walked away before addressing me. “I need to see you.”

I glanced at my watch, fearful I’d lost track of time. “We already had a meeting set up in a little over an hour.”

“We’ll do it now.” With that, he turned on his heel and walked away.

It took all I had inside not to yell after him, but what I wanted to say couldn’t be done in public. Nor could I say it to my boss. Damnit, the man made me so angry. I hurried to my office, snatching my iPad before smoothing down my skirt. I’d already sent him a few recommendations, but hadn’t gotten into the meat of what I considered the issues. To me, the meeting was redundant. I honestly thought he was using our daily meetings as a control mechanism, picking my brain as if I’d confess to something horrible that I’d done or was thinking of doing.

I’d worked with a tough man my entire career, my New York boss the epitome of difficult, even condescending, but it was nothing like being both attracted to and loathing the man who called the shots.

Yet I’d committed to this and all the speed bumps Sebastian tossed in my direction weren’t going to push me away. I knocked on his door lightly, expecting him to bark admittance.

“Come in, Kacey.” He hadn’t used my first name since I’d arrived, which had been fine with me.

By keeping the names on a professional level, it had somehow swept the images of his hot, naked body into the shadows.

At least in the daylight.

Nighttime was a different story.

When I walked in, as usual he was standing in front of the window, his hands in his pockets. He was always contemplative, never quick to draw any conclusions. He was without a doubt one of the most brilliant men I’d ever met, but always had something on his mind.

I moved to one of two chairs opposite his desk, sitting down because he always insisted I do so. Today I had difficulty keeping my eyes off his desk where he’d spanked me. It had been strangely thrilling in a twisted kind of way.

I’d even fantasized about what it would feel like to surrender totally and completely to him. I’d woken covered in perspiration and desire.

I shook off the memory and tried to wait patiently. After a full minute had passed, I couldn’t do it any longer. “Did you have an opportunity to read over the email I sent?”

He turned his head, allowing me to see his profile. My stomach fluttered. The man was far too good looking for his own good.

“What did Mr. Caffrey want?”

His question seemed blunt and out of the blue. “To ask me out for a drink.”