“Perhaps. However, just provide the information. I’ll handle deciphering it.”
Kacey said nothing at first, merely trying to shove down her skirt as she stood. But when she turned around to face me, I was pleasantly surprised to see a bright smile on her face. “I assure you, Mr. Winfield, you’ll have those reports. Just be careful what you ask for. I might rock your pristine world with the truth.” She threw a quick glance straight to my crotch.
Now she was smirking.
I watched her walk out and was forced to adjust my aching cock.
Game on.
“Glad you could make it, dude,” Daniel said as he shook my hand.
“Wine. I had no clue what you were going to burn on the stove so I selected red.” I thrust a bottle of cabernet into his hand as he glared at me. If I’d been smart, I would have cancelled sharing dinner with the two of them. I wasn’t just playing with fire. I’d brought a can of gasoline with me.
But I hungered to see Kacey away from the office. She’d done her best to avoid me after the disciplinary incident, managing to slip the requested financials on my desk when I’d left briefly.
The memory of spanking her would forever remain in the back of my mind. I flexed my fingers before fisting my hand while Daniel laughed at my rag on him. He was quite possibly the worst cook I’d ever encountered.
“Don’t worry. I had a friend of mine prepare the dinner. You want a drink?” He moved through the house to the kitchen, knowing I would follow.
“Always. It’s been one hell of a week.”
“Business that bad?”
“Not bad. Just… infuriating. I think someone is trying to sabotage me. It’s quite possible my partner has betrayed me.” I’d warmed up to the idea, thinking about the various conversations the two of us had endured over the last few months.
“I’ll say. I don’t even know how I feel about it at this point. He could be working with our main competitor.”
He threw me a look and chortled. “I’m surprised you’re not pacing the floors fuming. That’s what you would have done just a few years ago. Then you would have gone after them with both barrels.”
“You sound like Steven.” Hearing the exact words was a reminder that I’d been more ruthless in my youth.
He chuckled. “Smart guy.”
“Yeah, well, working six days a week with fourteen-hour days takes a lot out of you.”
“Tell me about it. Let’s get that drink. Now I need one.”
Daniel said nothing as he moved from the kitchen to the entertainment room, heading immediately for the bar. I stood just inside the doorway, remembering all the times we’d shared in this very room either playing a game of pool, tossing back shots of tequila, or suffering through a brutal game of poker.
“So I understand. How’s my daughter working out?”
I’d questioned whether or not she’d told him about obtaining the position. “She’s quite the catch.”
He said nothing while making our drinks, turning around seconds later with a look on his face I’d only seen a few times. “I don’t think I need to share with you my feelings on her working with you.” He walked toward me slowly.
“What are you talking about?” I accepted the drink, curious as to whether Kacey had said anything to her father about the afternoon she’d experienced. “I’m an excellent boss.”
“Let’s face it, buddy. You’re an asshole. I wouldn’t want to work for you.”
“Really?” He’d told me that more than once.
“Don’t you remember when you hired that girl in school to help you with research for your term paper?” Daniel’s expression was one of amusement.