His eyes flashed something other than amusement this time. I was taking a slight leap, although seeing their recent financial reports, it would seem they were edging out Aeronautical Enterprises by a solid fifteen perfect.
He took a breath, holding it for much longer than necessary. “Yes, well, those choosing to work with Waterhouse will find an incompetent staff.”
“Like the man you were talking to on the phone when we walked in? You were having a disagreement that led me to believe he’s taking his business elsewhere.”
“I assure you Mr. Kane knows better than to dare try and break our agreement.”
“But he intends on trying. Maybe you should try being nice to him, suggesting a meeting offsite. Usually, when you manage to get them off their home turf, they listen more clearly, making decisions without emotions involved.”
My God. His smile was practically evil. I was floored by my body’s response, the rapid pulse and instant yet light throbbing in my pussy. This was a very bad idea.
He allowed a full smile to cross his face. “I’ll consider it, Ms. Taylor. When you’ve been here long enough to learn the ropes, you’ll realize that not all people can be handled with kid gloves.”
“Oh, I’m a quick study. You might be surprised.”
“I doubt there’s anything about you that could surprise me at this point.”
My jaw clenched, his statement irritating the hell out of me. “I applied for this job because I believe my skills are helpful to high-ranking companies, even those in financial trouble. While I expect to work long hours, even weekends if necessary, what I won’t tolerate is attitude when you don’t know me or what I’m capable of.”
The fire in his eyes was beautifully aggravating. Even his nostrils were flared. “Nice job, Ms. Taylor. However new you are to the business world, your reaction of calling your boss on the carpet isn’t the best idea for your first day.”
My first day. Did that mean I’d gotten the job? I wasn’t certain I cared if I did or didn’t, his attitude was so off-putting.
“I’ve been in business for several years, Mr. Winfield, but as I said before, you would know that had you taken the time to go over my resume before I walked in this door. But I can see you have more important things on your mind. Perhaps this was a mistake.”
“Perhaps it was.”
Oh, Lord. He’d just laid a line in the sand and like a dumbass, I’d fallen for it. Hook, line, and sinker. He had a way of getting under my skin. But in turn, I’d allowed him to do just that.
“Fine. Then I’ll let Ms. Bennett know this isn’t going to work on my way out.” My feet felt glued to the floor, but I managed to make it to the door.
“Wait, Ms. Taylor. First of all, I didn’t end the meeting.”
My God. What an arrogant ass. Yet I found myself remaining right where I was standing, incapable of moving. Maybe I was a glutton for punishment. There were so many nasty things I wanted to say on the tip of my tongue it was tough to choose which one. Yes, I knew I’d end up on Santa’s naughty list, but so what? “I think you’ve made it clear I’m not worthy of working for you. Why would that matter?”
“Because I don’t want you to leave. In fact, I insist that you stay.”
I was surprised by his admittance. “How chivalrous of you.”
He snickered as if I was making a joke. “I’m a tough man to work for. However, I’m also fair and appreciate someone I can count on. As I said, I’d like you to stay.”
“And why is that?” If the fucker dared say something about the other night, I would walk right out that door.
“Because I can tell you’re very qualified for the job and if I may be frank with you, you’re correct that I can use the help. I’d like to turn this company around before it’s too late. I have a feeling you’re the person to help me do that. The salary pays one hundred thousand dollars.”
The sound of the deep growl in his voice was so hot, so obviously in control that I thought I’d melt into a puddle. He was pulling out all the stops, using his dominating side to keep me in my place. He was even more attractive than the night in the bar.
No. Absolutely the worst thing I could do at this moment was to find him anything but an arrogant potential boss.
“One hundred thousand?” I found myself whispering as I repeated the dollar amount. Given the cost of living, I could purchase a house within a year. A tiny burst of giddiness was almost overwhelming. “You’re kidding, right?” Now I sounded as arrogant as he did.
Were the corners of his mouth upturning? Was the bastard making fun of me?
“While I never kid about issues involving money, I’m a busy man. One hundred and twenty thousand. But you start today.”
I was shocked at his words, turning back to face him. My stomach was doing flipflops. Certainly, I could handle his arrogant ass for that kind of money. “Fine. But on one condition.”