Page 26 of His Rules

“I can tell how much this is bothering you, so I’ll ask one more question.” She held up her index finger for emphasis.

“Fine. You’ve already tormented me enough as it is. Go ahead.”

“What’s his name?”

I sucked in my breath before daring to answer. Just saying it out loud would make it that much more real. “Sebastian Winfield.”

She shrank back as if I’d hit her.

“What? Did he become a serial killer or something?”

“Um, no. It’s much worse.”

“What could be worse?” I laughed, but her expression was disconcerting.

“He’s married.”



I arrived at the company fifteen minutes early for my interview. I wasn’t going to allow my misfortune and stupid decision-making abilities to derail me for the rest of my life.

When I was finally taken into a conference room, I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I could sit in misery all alone. Married. What Stephanie had told me had haunted me all through Sunday. I hadn’t been able to sleep. How could I have been so stupid?


Twice, for God’s sake.

You might as well put a huge crimson ‘A’ on my chest. I drummed my fingers on the table, wishing I’d been able to fall asleep the night before. I was wired to the hilt, the two cups of coffee having a harmful effect on my rolling stomach.

At least I’d pulled my entire concentration level off Sebastian by looking up the company. The CEO, Drake Caffrey, appeared tohave a nice demeanor and was well photographed in marketing ads. He’d also been photographed with a different woman on his arm at several fabulous events.

But in doing more extensive research, I could tell the company was in financial trouble. EvenNewsweekhad done an article on the corporation about their falling stocks and lack of orders. It was similar in the entire industry, but for some reason, Aeronautical Enterprises was taking a direct hit from the military and commercial airlines. The why I didn’t know, but it would appear what I’d told Ms. Bennett had been on point.

Even if that had occurred by accident.

I’d shut down my computer after that, trying and failing to get a good night’s sleep. My father was itching to have Sebastian over for dinner. I prayed that didn’t happen. I wouldn’t be able to sit in the same room with him without blushing or calling him on the carpet for fucking a stranger when he had a wife.

Oh, God. I’d almost dug myself into an early grave.

The door opened and I plastered on my usual smile. No one needed to know I was melting in a pool of distress. I stood and smoothed down my skirt as Ms. Bennett walked around to the other side of the table. As I held out my hand for a shake, I sensed she was giving me a brutal onceover.

I looked perfect. I’d toiled away, finding the right outfit. My hair was coiled in a perfect bun, my makeup minimal on purpose. While I’d yet to tell my father why I was really in town, he’d commented on how professional I looked. Staying in the house I’d grown up in felt amazing and oh-so very wrong. I was a different person now than when I’d left for school.

I reminded myself of that as I defiantly stuck my arm closer to her. She finally accepted the gesture, her eyes as cold as she stared at me as I thought they’d be. But I kept my smile. Good for me.

“Please, sit,” she told me.

Very slowly I eased into the chair, noticing she did have a marked-up copy of my resume in front of her. “Thank you for meeting with me.”

“I’m very happy you were already in town. That will make the transition that much easier.”

“The transition?”

She smiled and patted her hand on the papers. “Yes, Ms. Taylor. I’ve spent extensive time going over your resume as well as checking your social media. You are a very cautious person, rarely posting anything personal about yourself. I’m happy to say, there were no drunken parties or other crazy events that would allude to a more difficult personality.”

I wasn’t certain whether to be thrilled or miffed by her comment. I chose to keep my mouth shut, merely nodding in reply.