Page 24 of His Rules

“I’ll drink to that.”

My thoughts suddenly shifted to the night before. Seeing Sebastian at the charity event had sucked the breath right out of me. I’d never felt so… dirty in my life. I remembered him now, but the few times I’d seen him, I’d been uninterested in paying any attention. At that point, I was into jocks, which was a mistake. Thankfully, I’d come to my good senses while expanding my horizons.

But I still couldn’t believe I hadn’t recognized him. I knew why he hadn’t figured out who I was. When I’d left for New York, I looked more like I was fourteen years old instead of seventeen.

God, I couldn’t believe I’d slept with the man.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re somewhere else,” Stephanie chided.

I was. In bed. With a hot man. My dad’s best friend. A small part of me continued cringing while most, including my pussy, was still aching from need. Because I’d fucked him. Or he’d fucked me.

Oh, God. How had I gotten myself into this mess? “Maybe.”

“Uh-oh. Did you get under someone to get over Nathan?”

“Well… Have you ever done something extremely stupid, but you didn’t know you were doing it until afterwards?”

She wrinkled her nose. “At least once. Oh, I know. Remember the time when I told off a guy standing in line only to find outhe was my history teacher the next day? Boy, that didn’t make getting the ‘A’ easy at all.” She grinned like the wicked woman she was.

“Something like that. I told off a customer at our favorite coffee shop today and it felt good.”

“Confess. What did you do? I think it’s your turn anyway.”

“How would you remember that?” We used to play the game of confession, a stupid kid’s game we’d started in the fifth grade. Boy, I’d learned some things about her I’d never wanted to know.

She shrugged and fingered her wine. “My city. My rules. Confess.”

“My city too!”

“Yes, but you moved away. That means whatever I say goes.”

It felt as if time hadn’t slipped away between us. Just peas in a pod. “You’re a brutal bitch.”

“And that’s why you love me.”

I lifted my glass, forced to take a sip before daring to reveal something so… stupid. I’d obviously had my blinders on, or my brain power would have kicked in. “What if your bestie had a one-night stand the night she came into town.” She knew me too well. Doing something like that was completely out of character. I could only imagine she was shocked.

Just like she’d done before, she squealed. “About time. God. I was beginning to think you needed to enter a convent.”

“What about Nathan?”

“I knew something was wrong weeks ago. I could hear it in your voice. Were you having sex?”

“Um, no. I tried. Trust me, but he always said he was too tired. Little did I know he was doing the horizontal bump with Cherry.”

“There’s a name for you.” She giggled and the sound was just another reminder of how much I’d missed being here.

I threw her a playfully hateful look. Her voice could boom over any raging concert. “Oh, stop. You know I think all men suck.”

“The question is were you doing the sucking this time?” She was entirely too proud of herself.

I smacked her arm, but at least I felt as if I was in friendly territory. “Stop it. And no, I didn’t have a chance. He was too busy with his mouth if you know what I mean.” We both laughed and she slapped the table.

“Spill it. Was it just as amazing as you hoped for? Oh, I can tell by the look on your face you loved every moment of it. Did he have a big, thick cock?”

Much to my embarrassment and the waiter’s chagrin, he appeared the moment she asked the question. I cleared my throat to tell her to shut up. Thankfully, she did, but in turn gave the poor dude a hateful look.

“We’re not ready to order yet.”