He’d kept me excited, his stamina incredible. We’d fucked twice more, the last time a marathon event. I was sore all over, his scent covering every inch of my body.
Exactly as I’d wanted.
Was it so wrong to want to share something completely intimate with a total stranger?
I rolled onto my stomach, dragging the pillow he’d used under me. His scent was everywhere, the aftershave carrying bits of exotic spice, citrus, a dark wood, and something earthy. It suited him and I had a feeling his fancy suits were nothing more than a costume.
We all wore them from time to time.
Groaning, I pounded my fist on the pillow.
He was gone, returning to whatever life he’d enjoyed.
I had to remind myself what we’d shared was a filthy happenstance, nothing more.
Yet I sensed a strange ache inside for the first time. At least that meant I felt something.
And it was amazing.
I shifted into a sitting position, allowing myself to smile. But it was time to head to the shower where I’d try to put the event behind me.
While I doubted I’d do something like that again, I would have the memories, using them to ignite my fantasies.
“Goodbye, my mysterious man. Maybe we’ll meet again.”
Charity events.
Another one.
I knew the rhetoric Drake and I had discussed.
Attending one was paramount to keeping our reputation throughout the city and in the aeronautical industry high. But being forced to attend a second one in a week didn’t help my mood, which was now fading into oblivion. At least this one was about art.
I loathed dressing like a penguin and being forced to chatter with colleagues, politicians, and corporate moguls, but often opportunities presented themselves I hadn’t anticipated.
I was surprised Drake had asked me to go in his stead, but it would give me something to do, perhaps taking my mind off the first pleasant night I’d experienced in several years. That had been three nights ago.
Three long nights when ordinarily I would have pushed the carnal moment behind, returning my attention fully to business. But the moment I’d seen her face, one like an angel, it seemed everything had changed.
Now I couldn’t stop thinking about her. While the sex had been hot, so much so I’d taken her three times in total, that wasn’t the only reason I remained enthralled by her. Yet I couldn’t put my finger on why. Maybe because her actions and attitude had been refreshing, entirely different than the vixens I’d allowed into my life. Everyone was out to gain something.
Women seemed to have the most profound way of using their feminine wiles in doing so. I’d succumbed fully only once, my actions negating a long and arduous relationship. I’d never do it again, no matter how much I enjoyed a woman’s company.
But Kacey had been a refreshing change.
The center was buzzing with activity as I walked in, the entire front hall turned into one big, long bar. The convention building faced the Mississippi with sweeping views of the vibrant city. This time of year, the streets were always full of crowds enjoying dinners at one of the fabulous restaurants or heading for a concert.
I headed to the closest bar, pleasantly surprised there wasn’t a massive crowd waiting in line. People came to drink, to be seen, and to observe others. Rarely did they come with the idea of offering money to the charities. The caliber of people invitedused their accountants and attorneys to handle their donations on a yearly basis. This was nothing more than art on display, from the talented artisans showing off their eclectic paintings and sculptures, donating them gladly to the charity simply to be noticed. It was a win-win for everyone.