I loved her to death, but the girl was wacky. She dashed back within a few seconds, immediately figuring out how best to open the wooden front.
When she pulled it away, we just stared at the very large and very colorful painting nestled protectively inside.
“Oh, my God. That’s you in the picture. That’s a sinfully gorgeous you.” She was barely breathing as she said the words.
I crossed my arms, uncertain what to think. The picture, albeit very avant-garde, was insanely incredible, rich with color and texture. The girl represented did look just like me, the red dress something I would wear anytime.
At least as long as I was around Sebastian.
“Red really is your color.”
I glanced in her direction. “I didn’t pose for it.”
“Well, it’s stunning.”
There was another knock on the door and this time, we both groaned. I threw my arm out in her direction before she had a chance to say anything. “I’ll get it.” What else did the man have delivered?
When I opened the door, I couldn’t refrain from teasing. “I definitely didn’t order this.” The moment I started to close itagain, one big hand smacked it in the middle, pushing it wide open.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” Sebastian commanded with his usually growly tone.
“Who are you exactly?”
“Your boss. And I’m here to remind you that only I can approve your days off.”
He had a wicked grin on his face, a devilish look in his eyes, and one tight pair of jeans on his hot bod. I heard the audible sigh slipping past my lips. So did half the world.
He took a step toward me.
I took a long stride back, almost knocking into the picture.
He was right there only inches away.
Even the scent he wore was different than I was used to, a true slice of a big, tough man with its timber and earth fragrance.
“Well, this would be my cue to leave. Again. We need to stop meeting like this.” Stephanie grabbed her purse and blew him a kiss before scooting around him and closing the door with a hard bang.
We were alone and I found myself gravitating toward him, finally tripping over the edge of the crate and launching myself right into his arms.
“Careful there, baby doll. You don’t want to hurt yourself.”
His voice was dripping with sexual innuendos. “What are you doing here?”
“My right-hand girl wasn’t in the office.”
“What about your left-hand girl?”
He brushed a few strands of hair from my face, still wearing an amused look. “She’s not important and we don’t talk about her.”
I pummeled his chest lightly for fun. “Cheating on me already.”
His answer was to capture my mouth. I shuddered in his hold and having him in my new home seemed as it should be. The kiss was poignant, a reminder that we’d survived an ordeal. But the passion was building. I was the one who pushed him away, licking my lips as I controlled my breathing.
“Did you have something to do with the sales price of this house and ensuring I got the loan?”
He took a step away, shrugging like a kid would do. “I only ensured you had everything you wanted.”
“Everything? What about a bigger office?”