“Vacation plans? I don’t think that’ll have anything.”
She snickered. “Hold on. This is a directory. Let’s see what files he has underneath.”
I continuously darted my eyes from the computer screen to the door. “Project A. What the hell is that?”
“Let’s see.” As soon as Stephanie pulled it up, my gut churned.
“Copy that.”
“You don’t want to see what’s on it?”
A thud coming from another office was our answer. “Just hurry. We need to get out of here.”
Her fingers flew and I turned off the lamp, moving like a thief toward the door. I was a pile of nerves. This was the nuttiest thing I’d ever done.
But the insane part? I would do it again if necessary.
“How long?” I whispered. The squealing wheels indicated it was the cleaning people bringing in the cart, but we just couldn’t risk the possibility Drake was onto us. I didn’t know how he could be, but the guy was cagey as fuck.
“One minute.”
One minute might be too long. I sweated and paced, trying to keep my cool.
“Got it,” she said and immediately backed out of what she was in, yanking the drive as she stood.
“Let’s go.” She trailed after me as I headed toward the back door that not only led to the hallway, but the stairs as well. We were forced to crouch down at one point when a light was turned on not too far away.
At least the guy was whistling while he was working.
I looked at her and she gave me a goofy grin. We moved a few inches, still bent over at waist level. When we were finally behind the door, I took one more look to ensure we hadn’t been noticed.
Then we fled like two thieves in the night.
Our next crazy plan? Going to Drake’s house.
He lived in a palatial home surrounded by thick stone walls and a gated entrance. However, it would seem Drake thought he was invincible. The gates were wide open, with no security cameras that either one of us could see.
“I don’t see any guards or cameras on the house,” Stephanie said while holding the night vision goggles in front of her eyes.
“Where exactly did you get those again?” She was a woman of mystery.
“I have friends.”
“Oh, come on. Secret agents?”
“I was dating a Marine and he had these. I kind of stole them from him.”
“Kind of?” All I could do was laugh. “You really are a thief.”
“Look who’s talking. Besides, all women are.”
I laughed and pulled the long sweater sleeves down my hands. Being with Sebastian had been even more special than before. When he’d left, I’d felt empty. Yet determined.
“I’m heading to the house. Just send me a quiet message if anyone shows.” The woman had even thought of walkie-talkies, the old kind. She’d had them for years. I was beginning to wonder if she moonlighted as a mercenary.
“That’s not a good idea.”
“So we’re just going to sit here and wait?”