“You don’t spend enough time with your father, Sebastian. Ask him and see if I’m wrong.”
“If you dare try anything, Ashley, I’ll make certain I ruin you.”
“I don’t think threats look good on you, but I’ll keep that in mind.”
She skirted around me, throwing open the door.
“And don’t try and cross me, Sebastian. All women have claws.”
Hate wasn’t an option when you were forced to remain professional.
Which I’d managed to do successfully up to this point. What about the long haul?
It was Friday afternoon, an hour before normal people left for the day to enjoy time with their friends or family. My boss, the arrogant ass that he was, had called a meeting for five-thirty. Who the hell knew how long he intended on keeping me.
Meanwhile, he was completely aware I was leaving on an early flight for New York. The sooner I put the past behind me, the sooner I could focus on my new life. Although I was still wondering if I’d made too many crucial mistakes.
I needed coffee and some fresh air. Even if for only a few minutes. I filled my cup and headed downstairs. At least the office building had a beautiful patio filled with chairs and afountain off to one side. It was peaceful and the place I’d escaped to more than once since arriving on Monday.
Five long days.
Who was I kidding? Five torturous days.
I wanted to convince myself they’d been terrible based on Sebastian’s nasty attitude, but that was only half the reason. The other continued to be my ridiculous attraction to him. He’d purposely come to dinner the night before, doing everything in his power to keep me uncomfortable and on edge.
As if the spanking he’d dared me to accept hadn’t done so. I’d been so shocked by his demand I hadn’t acted like myself at all. Who used corporal punishment these days? Didn’t he know I could sue his ass and win a lot of money?
No, he knew. He just didn’t care.
The man acted as if he was invincible. Just like he had the night before at the bar. Yes, I’d made an absolute fool of myself, but the man’s cock had pushed into my legs. The thought made me cringe as I walked out to the stone surface, immediately slipping on my sunglasses. The last I’d looked it was raining cats and dogs in New York.
Maybe this was a bright send-off, another sign coming home was a good idea.
I had to try to keep thinking that way or I might resign. Even the salary might not make up for how irritating he was.
I noticed a group of women sitting together laughing and talking. Two were technically on my accounting staff while the other two were administrators. When they noticed me, I was certain they’d clam up, perhaps even leaving the area.
“Kacey. Why don’t you come sit with us?” Sheila motioned for me. I’d immediately gotten along with her, but I’d gathered a sense she was upset with being passed over for my job.
I tentatively walked closer, reminding myself I wasn’t here to make friends. Although it wouldn’t hurt to have a couple.
“Hey, guys,” I said.
Sheila pulled out a chair while Babs eyed me warily. She was an excellent negotiator, never allowing the collections calls she had to make bother her. I’d been shocked there was a need for collections at all. At this level, it seemed preposterous. Changes should be made to the contracts to avoid that from continuing.
“Debbie, Winter, this is Kacey Taylor. She’s the new head of our department.” Sheila patted the seat until I decided to sit down.
“Oh, yes,” Debbie said as she leaned in. “You’re working with the ogre.”
“At least he’s a handsome ogre,” Winter suggested.
“I wouldn’t call him an ogre,” Sheila piped in, acting as if I might be offended.
“I would,” I said, and I could see relief in their eyes as they laughed. I would never go into my real feelings about him in front of the other employees.