Page 39 of His Rules

“Not yet. I need proof. If the employees or our competition know there’s any strife within or company, our stocks will take a tumble.”


Steven really was a terrible liar, although he had a point. I couldn’t rest on my laurels. Not when billions were at stake.

“Let me guess what this is really about. He asked you to convince me into working side by side.”

Steven shrugged. “Yeah. He even offered me a significant incentive. The house in Aspen.”

I laughed. My kid brother adored the house, not because of the foundation or well-designed A-frame, but because of the snow bunnies he’d met and fucked during family vacations. How many times had I covered for him when he’d snuck out of the house? “Did you agree?”

“I’m thinking about it.” He rolled his eyes. “We’d kill each other in six months. I know better than to come work for a tyrant.”

“Why does everyone think of me as a tyrant?”

“Because you are. You are the most hardheaded man I know and you demand perfection.”

“Okay, fine. Whatever. What did you tell Pops?”

“That I’d check on you. What was I supposed to say to the man?”

“How about no?”

“Um-hmm. I have a thought you probably won’t like. The timing of Kacey just appearing on your doorstep is interesting. Don’t you think?” He had one eyebrow lifted.

“What are you thinking, that she’s a ringer?”

“Stranger things have occurred in shady business deals. You did say Drake insisted you have an assistant.”

Yes, he had. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” I sat back, mulling over the idea. Was it even possible she was being used, or worse, that she was employed by someone, possibly Drake, to try to bring me to my knees?

“Maybe you should. If Drake knows you the way I do, then he learned your weaknesses long ago. If he’s as ruthless as you are, he stored them away and will use them to his benefit. Your big mistake is that you didn’t do the same with him.”

Snorting, I looked everywhere but directly at my brother. Because he was partially right. “I know what makes Drake tick.”

“Perhaps he has the upper hand right now. Whatever the case, if you decide to fuck the lovely Ms. Taylor again, keep it on the downlow. You know what I mean.”

“I get it, but I’m not fucking her.”

“In that case, maybe that’s where Kacey can come in handy.”

“Keep going.”

“Well, she’s new and she’ll be involved in training. Right? You can use her to your advantage, learning at the same time if she’s dirty coming in or not. Have her spend some time with Drake. See how he handles it and if he’s up front with sharing information. If she’s analyzing the books, give her access to emails. See if she determines your current clients are being poached. My guess is you might be able to lead her in the right direction and she’ll run with it. She certainly seems to have your number. Make her report to you every day. Trust me, with your tenacious and grumpy ass attitude, you’ll break her quickly.” He laughed and lifted his glass in time to finish it as the bartender was placing two fresh ones in front of us.

“Very funny. And I’m not grumpy.” But he had a point. With a fresh pair of eyes and her level of determination, she could quite possibly turn out to be a damn good ringer for me instead of whoever was attempting a hostile takeover. Now, if she was dirty, I’d enjoy every moment of disciplining her. That would mean spending even longer hours together than I’d originally had planned.

Which also wasn’t a good idea all the way around. However… I could certainly use it to my advantage. I was a bastard after all. My thoughts drifted momentarily to the painting that had arrived earlier in the day. The crate was waiting to be opened,placed in front of the fireplace. I’d stared at it for a long time before turning away.

The reminder of such an incredible night was the last thing I needed.

“I can see your hesitation and I know why, but women have a way of seeing through all the bullshit. As long as you can keep your dick in your pants, maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

“I could kick your ass.”

“But you know I’m right.” He grinned and we sat quietly for a full minute. “You should have seen your smile when Kacey fell into your arms. Good to see and it’s been a very long time.”

“Yeah, well, I had my reasons.”