Page 25 of His Rules

He was more than thrilled to scuttle away. His poor face had turned beet red. “You can’t do that.”

She giggled. “I can do anything I want. Now, back to this hot man. Are you going to see him again?”

“No plans. I didn’t get his last name, nor did he get mine on purpose.” The white lies were starting to creep up. “He was the asshole customer at the coffee shop this morning. I had an opportunity to see his real personality.”

“Ooh-la-la. A mysterious little fling. That’s obnoxious though. Still, if the sex was that hot, wouldn’t you like to see him again? Maybe he was having a bad day.”

The short answer was yes. The long answer was complicated as fuck.

“Well… The barista said he comes in there all the time.”

“Of course he does. What else? Oh, did you find out who he is, you evil dog, you?”

She was smiling while I was being overrun by stinging butterflies. “I found out alright.”

“Okay. Spill it. You’re dragging this out like you do everything else.”

I gave her a hard look. “Very funny. It’s just that I kind of knew him in a former life.”

“Kind of. Is that anything like a little bit pregnant?”

“Oh, please. Do not go there. No, it just means I can’t see him again. Ever. Like I mean for as long as I’m alive.”

“What? You’re not making any sense.”

“Remember I mentioned my father was taking me to that charity auction last night?”

“Yes, I do. Did you have a good time?”

“Not really.”

Stephanie narrowed her eyes. “Fess up or I’ll spill all your dirty little secrets to everyone in this room.”

“Stop it or I’ll drown you. I just…” I took another sip of wine and I could tell Stephanie was concerned. “Well, we ran into my dad’s best friend. He was there purchasing a very provocative painting.”

“O-kay. I don’t see what this has to do with…” She stopped short of finishing, jerking up her head and staring into my eyes. “Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that the man you slept with is your father’s best friend?”

“Yes, and thank you for announcing it to the entire restaurant.” A single bead of perspiration managed to drift down from my hairline.

“Oh, my God. That’s delicious. That’s crazy. That’s forbidden. Oh, God. Your father doesn’t know, does he?”

“Are you kidding me? My conservative father, who still believes I’m like twelve years old would kill the man and lock me in my room for the rest of my life. No, he doesn’t know and I plan on keeping it that way. I am never seeing that man again.”

She eyed me carefully and refreshed both our wines. “So, he’s hot though?”

“Oh, he’s very hot. I’m talking scorching with huge muscles and damn if he doesn’t have a huge… cock.” Now I was whispering, but still embarrassed. “So hot that we almost erupted in flames.”


“Wow doesn’t cut it.”

“He treated you well.”

“Like I was the most beautiful creature in the world.”

Stephanie sighed and pulled the glass to her lips. “You lucky bitch. Maybe you could see him on the side. You know, make it a really filthy affair.”

“I am not going to do that. I’m not that kind of girl.” No, I was just the kind to have a one-night stand with a stranger.