Page 59 of Battle Mountain

Marybeth looked away for a moment. She felt trapped, and she wasn’t sure why. Then she leaned forward on the desktop toward Orr.

“I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish here today, but I think we’re done talking without my lawyer present,” she said. “You’re the FBI and you have access to the most intrusive databases in the free world. You have Joe’s number, and you probably know exactly where he is at the moment. And you have Sheridan’s contact details, even though you pretend you don’t. I know this because I never said her name or mentioned that she was our oldest.”

At that, Orr chuckled as if to say,Touché.Then: “I understand you might know a little about accessing law enforcement databases.”

“I’ve assisted my husband with several cases over the years,” she responded.

“You’re probably planning to do a deep dive on the name‘Richard Orr, Special Agent’ the minute we leave your office,” Orr said with a twinkle in his eye.

“You read my mind,” Marybeth said.

After a long, tense pause while Marybeth and Orr eyed each other, Bishop cleared his throat and said, “So, are we done here?”

“Yes, you are,” she said.

“I believe we are for the time being anyway,” Orr agreed. He pushed himself to his feet and held out his hand to Marybeth.

“It was a pleasure to meet you,” he said. “Give my regards to your husband and Sheridan.”

She shook his hand limply. It was cool to the touch.

“I guess I’ll see you at the next commissioners’ meeting,” Bishop said to Marybeth as he fitted his hat back on his head.

“Probably so,” Marybeth said, not looking forward to it.

“By the way, where is Joe right now? I haven’t seen his truck around the last couple of days.”

Marybeth said he was out of town, but she didn’t say why.

“He’s out of his district?” Bishop asked. “In the middle of hunting season?”

“The governor asked him to do something in southern Wyoming, near Warm Springs,” she said. “He should be back soon.”

“Take care of that little sweetheart,” Bishop said as he nodded toward Kestrel.

Marybeth didn’t reply.

Two minutes afterOrr and Bishop had left and closed the door, Marybeth’s breathing returned to normal. She knew she was probably more shaken than she should be, but she also trusted herinstincts. Orr had been playing games with her, but he hadn’t revealed what they were. And Bishop’s unhealthy interest in Kestrel Romanowski’s circumstances unnerved her.

Quickly, she called Sheridan on her cell phone.

“Yes, Mom,” her daughter answered. Her tone was dutiful, but not overly enthusiastic.

“Sheriff Bishop and an FBI agent from headquarters named Rick Orr were just in my office. Orr asked questions about Nate, Geronimo, and your dad. Orr is aware that you talked to Geronimo.”

“Well, I did,” Sheridan said.

“I know that. But Orr is up to something and I don’t know what. I’m pretty sure you’ll hear from him soon. If you do, I want to give you some advice.”

“Okay,” she said warily.

“Tell him the truth, but no more. Don’t speculate about Nate’s whereabouts, or Geronimo’s. Don’t give him any reason to come back at you later, claiming you misled him or lied. Answer like you’re on the witness stand: yes, no, or I don’t know. Got that?”

“Got it.”

“Good. Now I’ve got to let your dad know.”