“When we find him,” Joannides said, “remember to make itlook like a hunting accident. That’s our deal. If I get back and play my cards right, the board may vote to have me assume the role of CEO. I’m the logical successor, after all, since I cofounded the company. I was with Steve-2 at the beginning... and at the end. That’s how I’ll play it.”
Earl looked from Kirby to Brad and back to Joannides.
“So you’re saying our tragedy is your opportunity,” Earl said.
“You’re twisting my words.”
“Am I?”
“Guess who he sold our app to?” Joannides asked Earl.
Earl shrugged.
“The PRC.”
“The People’s Republic of China,” Joannides said, his eyes bulging. “The Chinese Communist Party—the CCP. They use it to track their own people. They use it to keep an eye on dissidents or anyone else they think might be a threat to them.”
“I do hate the Chi-Coms,” Earl conceded.
“Not Steve-2,” Joannides said, sensing he’d found an angle Earl could get behind. “He claims he has no idea what they do with the software, that it isn’t his business. No, Steve-2 is a fucking heartless tycoon.”
“I can’t figure out if you’re mad at him because of the Chinese or because he screwed you out of money,” Earl said.
“Either one,” Joannides said. “Either. Both. But that’s why we’re here today. We’re working together to take him down,” he said with triumph.
“Are we, now?” Earl asked.
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
Earl rubbed his chin through his beard. “Because I’ve been thinking about something. You knew about my complaints. You knew about my daughter and the situation she was in. But you didn’t tell Price. Instead, you sat on it until it was too late. Then you reached out to us. Do I have that right?”
Joannides’s face went white. He seemed to finally realize what Earl was driving at.
Rather than accept it, he said, “It wouldn’t have mattered if I told him, Earl. It wouldn’t have made a bit of difference, believe me. Steve-2 doesn’t think of people as people. He thinks of them as his users. Steve-2 refuses to accept any responsibility at all for what happens because of his technology. He didn’t care how the Chinese government was using our app. He just wanted it to work right and have no glitches. There’s a complete disconnect in his brain between tech and the real world where people live.”
“We’re not talking about Price right now,” Earl said. “We’re talking aboutyou.”
“I couldn’t stop what happened to your daughter,” Joannides said.
“Did you try?”
Joannides turned to Kirby and dropped to his knees with his hands out, palms up. “Please,” he said. “Tell your dad we’re on the same side here.”
Instead, Kirby handed the reins of his horse to Earl and approached Joannides.
“What’s Price’s password?”
Joannides sighed. “It’s LISA2. All caps.”
“Spell it.”
“L-I-S-A and the number two.”
“What’s it mean?” Kirby asked.
“It’s a Steve Jobs thing,” Joannides said. “Steve-2 worships the man. Jobs named a computer after his daughter Lisa.”