Page 9 of Dark Sky

“Do you mind if I ride along with you?”


“I want to make sure we’re both on the same page in regard to everything we discussed,” Joannides said. Hedisplayed a miniature iPad. “I’ve got it all on here. I thought if you forgot something, we could stop in town and buy whatever we need to.”

Joe looked at him. “Steve-2 just told me he wanted this hunting trip to be as authentic as possible. He said he wanted a real no-frills deal.”

“What Steve-2 says he wants and what he expects are often different things,” Joannides said. “It’s not his fault. He operates on a different level from the rest of us. But that’s why I’m here: to make sure we’re well-prepared for anything that might come up. You received my grocery list, correct?”

Joe said, “I got everything on your list except quinoa and pili nuts. Those things were nowhere to be found.”

“You’re kidding. Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“This is Wyoming,” Joe said.

Joannides pursed his lips. “Well, let’s just hope it doesn’t come up.”

“Fine by me.”

Joe climbed in and started the engine while Joannides settled himself in the passenger seat with the iPad on his lap. The man started to speak, then stopped short. Joe looked over to find Joannides staring at the .357 Colt Python revolver and other gear on the seat between them.

“What?” Joe asked.

“Do we really need a gun around?”

“We’re going hunting.”

“Yes, I know. But Steve-2 brought his compound bow. I know I told you that.”

“You did,” Joe said. “And I’ll do my best to help him get his elk with it. But elk aren’t the only animals up there, Tim. We’ve had some serious problems with grizzly bears. Half a dozen hunters have been mauled or killed in the last year. I’m bringing my big pistol, and my shotgun loaded with three-inch magnum slugs.”

Joannides stated, “Steve-2 doesn’t believe people should have weapons of war.”

“Maybe he should tell that to the grizzly bears. And Zsolt.”

“That’s different.”

“What’s with the name? Steve-2?”

“It’s his nickname from college and it stuck,” Joannides said. “You know, after Steve Jobs. Jobs was Steve-1, and our Steve wanted to be Steve-2. Now he nearly is.”

“Interesting,” Joe said. “Did you bring bear spray for everyone?”

“It’s illegal in California.”

“Well, it’s necessary here. I don’t want to see any of you without it at any time.”

Joannides looked suddenly distressed.

“Don’t worry,” Joe said. “I brought canisters for everybody.”

“Thank you.”

“What about PLBs?” Joe asked.

Personal locator beacons weren’t a legal requirement, but they were a good idea, Joe thought, especially since the Aloft team wasn’t experienced in the wilderness.

“Those we found,” Joannides said. “Skiers and snowboarders use them, I guess.”