Not believing the phony look on my face, he continues, “I haven’t seen you take home a bunny once the past two weeks. Not even one of the high-class ones I saw sniffing around last week.”
“That’s because the shit’s gotten old. The game is overplayed,” I interject with an edge to my voice. “My dysfunctional cock has nothing to do with the fine tail that just left this office. It’s just tired of the game.”
Diesel bows his brow. “The only shit that’s gotten old is you, Brax. The game will never get old. Your dick gets cold, a bunny warms it. Your dick gets lonely, a bunny cuddles it. Your dick gets?—”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. A bunny on my cock is the answer for everything.”
Diesel nods. “You’ve just got to decide if you want the high-class bunny your dick has set its radar on, or if you’re going to settle for something a little less fancy but a shitload less complicated.”
“My cock and its goals are no concern of yours.”
He continues talking as if he didn’t hear a word I said. “If you decide it isn’t the latter, let me know, and I’ll take a step back. But if a diamond-encrusted pussy isn’t what you’re chasing, step aside and let a real man show you how to seal the deal.”
Not giving me a chance to reply, he strides into the corridor, closing my office door behind him.
“Charity, I’m heading out to grab some food,” I advise while striding down the hallway at Inked.
Charity lifts her brown eyes from the lotus tattoo she’s drawing on the shoulder of a long-time client and locks them with me. “Bring me back something sweet.”
“If you want pussy on a platter, you should go visit Keke,” I suggest with a cheeky wink.
Her pupils widen. “I’ve already tried to tap that, but for some reason, she’s adamant her dinner dates must have dangling bits between their legs.” She shrugs. “But, hey, I gave it my best shot.”
I stop dead in my tracks. “I meant Keke’sestablishment.Not Keke herself.”
Although the crew at Inked has no problems swapping bunnies, we draw the line at any other type of sharing. Since Keke isn’t a bunny, I’m somewhat shocked by Charity’s admission.
A bead of sweat forms on Charity’s brow when she notices my surprised expression. “Oh, sorry, man. My bad?” Her eyes dance between mine. “I thought things between you and Keke hadcooled since you’ve got Ms. Sweet Thing over there.” She nudges her head to Clara standing behind the counter drinking some funky green concoction.
What is it with everyone assuming I’m knocking boots with Clara?I’m not knocking boots with anyone, let alone Clara, and my cock is not fucking happy about it.
Charity sighs loudly before drifting her eyes from Clara to me. “Why do all the beautiful women in this town only like cock?”
Any anger bubbling in my veins dampens from her assessment. Charity has the mouth of… well, a tattoo artist, but she’s downright gorgeous—dark hair styled in an alluring short cut, rich brown eyes, and flawless skin accentuated with a collection of tattoos I designed specifically for her. She’s proof not all the beautiful women in this town are solely cock lovers.
I shake my head, bringing my thoughts back to the present. “Something sweet?” I confirm, deciding Charity’s attempts at seducing Keke aren’t worth burning the solid bridge we’ve formed in the two years Charity has worked at Inked. Although Keke is a great girl, we both know our kinship isn’t going any further than two sexually compatible companions sharing a bed for a few hours.
Charity grins a knockout smile as she nods.
“All right. I’ll be back in a few.”
Charity returns her focus to her client as I stride to the counter.
“You’ll turn into a vegetable if you keep drinking that shit.”
Clara lowers a glass of ghastly green liquid from her mouth. “There could be worse things I could turn into.” Her icy-blue eyes lock with mine. “I could end up like you.”
While smirking at her horrified expression, I say, “I walked straight into that one, didn’t I?”
She screws up her nose before nodding. “Yeah, but you can’twin them all. Especially when you’re fighting a battle you’llneverwin.”
A breathy chuckle rumbles up my chest as I continue for the door. Just as I’m about to exit, Clara calls out my name, halting my fast escape. When I crank my neck, I balk. For the first time ever, she appears genuinely nervous.
“Have you given any more thought to extending my position here?”
The bells above the door chime when I close it and amble back to stand in front of her. Her stance is solid, but her eyes are giving away her real concern. She’s petrified.