You can’t throw a princess into a pair of low-riding jeans and call her a cowgirl. At the end of the day, she will always be a princess. But instead of treating the crew at Inked as if they’re a piece of chewed-up gum stuck under a bench seat, Clara has been treating them with more respect, as if they’re members of herfamily instead of the enemy. It may be similar to an annoying little brother vibe, but it’s better than the previous attitude she had.
After securing the deadbolts on the front door, I make my way to my Harley parked at the back of Inked. My eager steps lengthen when my eyes catch a flurry of blonde standing next to my bike.
I increase my stride as my eyes run over every inch of the fire-engine red dress clinging to the curves of the tempting female. The beat of my heart kicks up a gear as does the throb of my cock when my eyes are inundated with lavish curves on a knee-weakening body.
My excitement doesn’t last long when the blonde notices my approach and twists her neck to the side to greet me. “Hey, Brax, you heading home?” asks Fallon, smiling a covetous grin that relays the question she really wants to ask,Hey, Brax, you looking for company?
Fallon is what I’d call a high-class bunny. With a body that brings mere mortals to their knees and the face of an angel, she could easily have her pick of any guy on the good side of Ravenshoe. Thankfully for the crew at Inked, she likes her men with a hint of roughness she can’t get on her side of town. And the fact she’s sprawled across my bike tells me she has her sights set on one member of the Inked crew tonight. Me.
While licking my parched lips, I run my eyes over her body for the second time. Red stiletto heels, lean runner legs, a smoking hot dress that hugs the curves of her more-than-tempting ass, and a decent rack I could easily be distracted by for hours.
Fuck it. My dick needs warmth.
After arching my brow, I stare into Fallon’s bright green eyes. “You got any objections to fucking on a desk?”
“Not at all,” she purrs while prancing toward me, not the slightest bit intimidated by the crudeness of my words.
My sweaty hands strengthen their grip on Fallon’s hips as her body quivers through her second orgasm since we entered my office thirty minutes ago. Thankfully, her cries of ecstasy are barely heard over the slapping of skin as I pound into her. My pumps are furious as my race to climax picks up speed.
I need to come.
I need the release.
I need to getherout of my fucking head.
Fallon’s dress slides up her waist more when I adjust her position. After flattening her torso onto my desk, I pry her knees further apart with mine before slamming my cock back into her. She groans a long, quivering moan when I take my cock to the root before drawing it back out. Her pussy ripples around me, begging for me to stay immersed in her warmth, and sweat rolls down my glistening torso when I thrust my hips forward, slamming back into her.
“Ah, Christ, Brax,” she pants breathlessly as I fuck her at a ferocious speed.
Her new position has her taking more of my cock than she was earlier while also increasing my sprint to climax.
“It feels so good, baby, so deep. So… oh…” Fallon purrs.
A familiar tingle races along my spine when her pussy clamps down on my cock, her third climax coming to fruition even more quickly than the first two. Unlike the lower-class bunnies, Fallon’s climaxes are void of the usual ear-piercing screams I’ve come to expect. If it weren’t for her pussy milking my cock and her slick wetness coating my balls, I’d be none the wiser that she’s orgasming.
Once the violent shudders raking Fallon’s body lessen, I close my eyes, trying to block her from my thoughts. It isn’t that shedoesn’t have a body most men would take a stake to the heart for or that her pussy isn’t milking my cock the way I like it, it is the fact my cock has some fucked-up ideas on what it classes as a fun time.
Tonight’s event, unfortunately, has become a regular occurrence for me the past three months. My cock plays his part to a T. He shows up hard and primed to go, but no matter how close my chase to climax gets to the finish line, I’ve failed to cross the line every single time.
It’s there, right in front of me, but the final push I need to get me over the line is missing.
Fuck, I hope I find my mojo soon, or I’m going to die of sexual deprivation.
My eyes sluggishly open when the door in my office creaks. Although shocked to see Clara, I’m not at all surprised when she walks in unannounced.
Princesses don’t require permission to enter private premises.
She walks three steps into the sweat-infused space before her eyes lift from the cell phone in her hand. When she spots Fallon sprawled on my desk, one of her hands darts up to clutch her neck, stifling a scream, while the other yanks a set of earbuds out of her ears. As her eyes absorb the scandalous visual playing out in front of her, her pupils dilate to the size of dinner plates. Her lips part, and her cheeks turn a hue of pink.
Her flushed expression gives me the final push I need to cross the finish line. I close my eyes as the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced rockets through my body, shredding any concerns I had about dying of sexual deprivation. I come like I’ve never come before, a vision-hazing orgasm that utterly destroys me.
I’m so spent, I don’t notice Clara slipping out of the room until the bells above Inked’s entrance door chime into my office.
After pulling out of a delirious Fallon, I snag my jeans offthe floor and take off after Clara. My abrupt departure has me accidentally stomping on Clara’s expensive diamante-encrusted cell she left on the floor.
I drag my jeans up my thighs and tuck in my half-masted, condom-covered cock before staggering onto the sidewalk in front of Inked. My head cranks to the side when metal crunching together booms out of the alleyway. My heart thrashes against my ribs harder than it did when I was climaxing as I charge for the alley.