“Very comfortable, and money was never an issue. Pups needed sitting, and I was available. I do not think Shilo would be comfortable with more than a single omega, as he places value on other kinds of connection, so I do not worry about a future where I have to share and compete for an alpha’s attention and beg for a night in his bedroom.” The jab didn’t seem to register with his father. He cared little about the omegas in his possession save for that they were unharmed and available to him when he wanted them.Alphas have needs,and all that. Shilo had needs; none of them involved anyone’s holes.
“I can see that. Housing spare omegas would be an issue for him, seeing his current setup. I suppose he is rather dedicated.” My father gave Shilo a hard stare.
“I mated him, didn’t I?” Shilo gestured toward me and my cheeks grew hot.
“But will you accept his mark in return?” The councilman, who up until then, had been preoccupied with a lunch box full of tacos, raised half of a hard-shelled taco up, lettuce raining down.
“You know I will, Ares. For Goddesses’ sake.” Shilo gave him a dirty look.
“Do it.” Ares flicked a brow suggestively before taking another bite.
“Until it’s reciprocated, it’s not recognized by the council. If you’d hear me out, I can make a better offer for him.” Alpha Silvermoon spoke so coldly that it sent chills down my spine. He flicked the leash. “There’s no need for this.”
My heart raced in my chest as my fear response kicked in. Too many alphas in one room. The councilman’s daring glare combined with Alpha Silvermoon’s insistence. My father’s menacing presence. All I wanted to do was bury myself in Shilo’s arms and hide until they were all gone.
“I don’t want to go with Alpha Silvermoon,” I said as a flush of heat rose to my cheeks.
“You could come with me? I’d treat you nice,” Ares, the councilman, said through a mouth of tacos.
“No, I’m…I’m good. Thanks.” I stepped back from him and Alpha Silvermoon, accidentally bumping into my father’s chair with a yelp.
“Leave the poor boy be. I educate my omegas to expect and be complacent with orders. It was my understanding that you understood and were prepared to do what was expected of you.” My father sighed heavily and slouched in his chair. “This is why I asked you several times if you were okay with it, if you understood what was expected.”
“That was before I realized you’d matched me with someone who had no interest in me at all. He viewed me as a punishment!And by the look his partner kept giving me, I assumed I’d be forever watching my back.” I clenched my jaw shut, holding back from saying more as my father’s expression went dark and tense.
“The goddesses work in mysterious ways. The van’s driver had tons of GHB in his system. Somehow, I think that was meant for you,” Ares said, wiping crumbs off his lips. “Best we can figure, some bottles got swapped around. Driver wasn’t supposed to get messed up. Wrecked. We tested the water bottles in the truck and…yeah.”
Alpha Silvermoon paled.
“The beta that was driving brought in a bunch of bottled water for me during the drive… He said you gave it to him for me.” I hesitated, thinking back to that night.
Ares halted in his scrounging for taco crumbs at the bottom of the box and glanced up. “Did he, now?”
“I did no such thing.” Alpha Silvermoon’s voice trembled.
“Whether he did or did not is irrelevant. You lost your first alpha son, did you not?” Ares stared at the bottom of the box before eyeing an unopened one in front of Alpha Silvermoon.
He didn’t answer Ares.
Ares, for his part, seemed more preoccupied with the box of tacos and helped himself, making a noise of satisfaction when Shilo gestured for him to take it already. He lit up and opened the box, chowing down on another while my father leaned over Alpha Silvermoon who sat between them and gestured. Ares handed over one of the tacos in the box and my father happily ate.
Shilo met my gaze. “Good tacos, right?”
“Hadn’t had one yet. Kinda regretting it, now.” I watched the alphas eat and Shilo offered me one of his, but I declined. I supposed I was too nervous to eat. He did, however, coax me into his grasp for a one-armed taco-scented hug.
“We’ll get you some on the way out in the kitchens. We’ll make sure they’re still hot.”
“Well, I think I’ve seen enough.” Ares sat up and placed the empty box on Shilo’s desk. “Godfrey?”
“I have, too. Tasted enough as well.” My father licked his fingers and met my gaze.
I hesitated, my heart skipping a beat.
Shilo snuck his hand out and wrapped an arm around my waist, giving me a comforting squeeze. I wanted nothing more than to fold into his grasp and hide away.
“Horace?” Ares tugged the chain on the leash.
“Why ask me? He’s mated and of no use to me.” Alpha Silvermoon glared but did nothing, to my great relief. My fate lay solely on my father’s word.