Page 15 of Lost and Pound

A day after that, I got a call from Horace Silvermoon, a man with far more sadness in his voice than I’d expected. My phone rang, buzzing across my home office desk. “So, the omega lived?”

“Nico. And yes, he did.”

A choke of sadness cut off the line for a moment before Horace let me know that they’d assumed his son had run away after the wreck because he didn’t want to be mated. He’d forced his son to take a mate in desperation, sought out the best because Branden was in love with his beta enforcer. A common pack guard. With them finding out Nico was okay, it meant the charred remains inside were Branden and his lover.

“My deepest sympathies. I’ll refrain from lecturing you about omega trade but know that it’s illegal for a reason.” I stifled a growl in my throat out of pure diplomacy.

“Well, you can send the omega over. We’ll initiate him and introduce him to my other sons or myself, if he’s interested. I’mnot beyond a younger omega.” His tone slipped into something lacking conviction. “I already paid his pack-severing fees to Godfrey.”

“He’ll stay here,” I said, putting firmness behind my voice as I paced my office and turned my attention to the darkening sky outside my window. Rattling dishes from the kitchen met my ears as Nico petered about, cooking for us.

“Is that so?” A tone of threat with no force behind it perked me up. A knee-jerk reaction he likely would have had to an alpha challenging something he viewed as his.

“Again, I am sorry for your loss, Horace. He belongs to me.” The slip made me cringe for a moment. He was mine, but Nico seemed to shy away from the topic of our wolves speaking. His aloof mannerisms over it made me question if he even knew. In any case, it wasn’t my place to tell Nico. “He’s my mate.”

A distinct lack of clattering in the kitchen registered as I looked up and noticed the shadow of feet at the foot of my door.Fuck.

“I see. Well then, have a good evening.” His tone grew icy, but I didn’t answer, only hung up as I rose and made my way to the door, opening it to face Nico who stood there, eyes wide and apron rumpled.


“I’m your mate?” Nico’s breath shuddered. “We barely know one another… Unless my father gave his consent?”

“I didn’t mean for you to hear that. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you knew, what with how you reacted. Our wolves talking—that’s a mate thing. Your father had no say. He knows you’re here.” I stumbled over my words and reached out to him, hooking our fingers together. He didn’t fight me, but his posture and face were far from neutral.Complicated.

“I have a choice. You said so.” Nico stepped back, pulling his hand from me.

“You do. I promise. One hundred percent. I just recognize you as my mate. Please, Nico.” I reached out to him again, but the one thing I prayed I’d never scent on an omega came to pass.Fear.

“But… How can you say I’m yours and—I don’t— Why didn’t you tell me?” Too much white showed in his eyes, the mark of fear in canids. It made me sick deep inside to feel that.

“Because you didn’t know. It’s not something you exactly just fling onto someone! By the way, you’re on the run from a shitty situation and here I am the first alpha in your way, and I tell you that you’re my mate? Hell, it was all I could do to keep my wolf from biting you.” I ran my hand through my hair and huffed. “I never wanted to take the choice away.”

“But you told Alpha Silvermoon… What if I had wanted to go there?” Nico took another step back.

“Then you’re free to go. I didn’t want Horace coming here loading you up without your consent!” Rather than chase him or invade his space, I did the only thing I could and sat on the floor, pulling my legs in, tailor fashion. It halted him in his step. No threat.

The stink of fear lessened, and his shoulders relaxed, but the scent of something burning rose above that as he turned and ran to the kitchen. “Shit!”

I didn’t precisely follow, but I scooted to the doorway to lean against a wall until he returned, staring me down. Instead of challenge or more hostility, he matched my energy, scooting down the wall to sit cross-legged facing me.

“I’m being emotional. I’m making assumptions when you’ve showed me nothing but positive things.” He stared me down, expression hard. I melted under those blue, blue eyes.

“I wouldn’t dare say that—out loud.” I offered him a smirk and earned a sneer and roll of eyes.

“Right. So. Mate?” Nico stared me down, nostrils flaring.

Since he sought the truth, I couldn’t hold back. I refused to lie. “Right. Your mind and mine are very compatible. It’s the only magic an alpha really has, usually. The love of the pack gives more, but different. Those stupid collar locks are nothing.”

“Okay. So why didn’t you bite me? I know you’ve wanted to a few times.” He folded his arms over his knees and leaned forward.

“Because it was too soon. If you’d have realized, I would have asked or waited for you to ask.” I folded my hands in my lap. “It’s a big thing to drop on someone.”

Nico grunted noncommittally.

“You’re free to stay in another room, an apartment, or to leave…” I stared at my hands in my lap and waited, afraid to look up.

“Eh. The dick’s too good. I’ll stay.” He sighed and climbed to his feet, his shadow sliding away on the floor. “Besides, you need an omega. I’ll wait on the bite though. Besides, you may change your mind after you taste the spaghetti I just made.”