I braced myself for a snide comment that faded away as he met my eyes. I wanted to apologize or explain, but Storm only smiled at me. “I understand that it can be challenging at times when dealing with a creature like Jacque. I think patience is all some animals need to shine in ways that you didn’t expect.”
I nodded as Rayne gave me a half smile, not a flinch in his posture. Rayne had the confidence in his partner enough to know he’d not say something insensitive. “He’s got a little neurological damage. Medicine for it and all that, but he’s my favorite bunny ever.”
“I bet he’s pretty smart under all that static, you know? Harebrained is likely a compliment.” Storm offered Jacque hishand for another stroke and received permission. If he had Jacque’s approval, he had mine.
“I like your boyf—partner—husb—” I stumbled over the words.
“I think we use words likematearound here. But he’s mine and I like him so far.” Rayne nudged Storm with an elbow.
“Enough to have a kid with him, at least,” I said, stifling a snort.
Rayne’s curious gaze landed back on me once more. “Speaking of, where did Buck run off to with my child? Excuse me. Storm, show Cliff around while I find Vida before Buck teaches her how to make human leather or something.”
I pursed my lip, eyes bulging painfully wide.Would he? Nah.
Storm shrugged at me as if he could read my thoughts. “Buck does as he pleases, but if he were to make human leather, there would be a good reason for it.”
“I assume so. That’s more of Grim’s thing, I bet.” The utterance of the old god’s name made Storm hesitate.
“I was told things ended amicably. Grim is with Eve, right?”
“Yeah. Never seen a dude pussy whipped before he even got to see pussy.” I pursed my lips and Storm half smiled.
“It can go many ways when it comes to our mates. I wasn’t sure what Rayne was at first, but he has whipped me, in any case. I’d do anything for him.” Storm glanced off in the direction my brother had waltzed off to.
“I’m beginning to see a lot of it. Buck seems… He seems nice. So far.” I cleared my throat, nervously awaiting Storm’s response.
“Buck is old. Set in his ways. I’ve not seen him so positive in a long time. I see less blood in his heart,” Storm said, thrusting his hands in his pockets, full lips stretching into a wide grin.
I had become so accustomed to ignoring men and their looks that opening my eyes to Buck had let me peer atothers differently, and Storm didn’t have any of the features I stereotypically thought of as attractive to me. Still, his smile, full lips, defined jawline, and lean, strong frame piqued in my mind as attractive. I saw the appeal of him but it didn’t do anything for me, like I appreciated him and saw the value of him for my brother. “Blood?”
“He bears the weight of ages. It happens to the best of us. I think you’ll see a different side of Buck than Rayne’s ever seen, and far different from what I’ve seen.” Storm gave Jacque’s head another affectionate rub before glancing about, curiosity bright in his eyes. Jacque squirmed into his touch and flailed a bit, eyes locked on the baby carrier.
“Oh, no.” My face burned with embarrassment for a full five seconds before Storm picked up on Jacque’s intent and opened the baby carrier to let Jacque flail and fight his way into it, nestling happily with his back to Storm’s chest.
“Well, he has his own smarts,” Storm said, giving Jacque a firm pat before removing his hands to see just how far the hare took it. He sat there contentedly, ears risen high.
I got the distinct sensation of smugness and happiness from Jacque. “Yeah, I use buttons mostly to get him to communicate. So, he kinda speaks people.”
“I see.” Storm rubbed between Jacque’s ears and glanced around. “Come, I’ll show you the house. Rayne and I can offer you a room if you don’t mind our little one crying, or we can lend you a packhouse until other arrangements are made.”
I shrugged and followed as Storm walked off, speaking of the history of the land we lived on, the peaches that he brought over, a wild cultivar coming out of hibernation for the year.
“And the farrier school up the way is in my great-great-grandself’s name.” He shot me a wink, and I pondered the meaning.
“You keep on pretending to be your own descendant?”
“It works for me. Most people outside of pack lands wouldn’t recognize me a wink if I changed a little feature or two. Someone up at the courthouse gets me a birth certificate and handles paperwork. Technically, I need to do something soon because I’m supposedly sixty-three in this form.” He approached the big white house, the ashen painted steps creaking minutely under his step before he invited me in to a wave from the past. Everything was kept pristine and museum quality.
“Woah… It’s so well preserved.” I rubbed a hand down a pegged chair rail in the hall and marveled at the authentic staining on the wood.
“It’s restored every so often. I keep the house in a historical trust so it can’t be bulldozed and run amok with taxes.” He waved me off, and I followed, eying all the authentic aspects that reminded me nothing of my brother. Well, that was until Storm showed me the upstairs and into Rayne’s library. “Rayne has his own modifications to his space though.”
I smiled at the cozy modern rug and the more current art amid a mid-century modern desk and technologically inclined accessories. I could practically smell the electricity in the room. “Yep. All Rayne, the dork.”
“My mate is rather passionate about his technology.” Storm’s smile grew dopey and eyes misty before he gestured me out to the downstairs, into the kitchen, and out the back door past a mudroom where I found Buck with Vida curled in his arms while Rayne fussed at the open chicken coop.
Pecker raced around, his feet crowing.My hens! Return to the safe space. You are my small, vulnerable hens.Roost is safe!