I sighed in relief, and Jacque abandoned his lap to follow after me with his chipper little yip of happiness. As per usual, I opened the fridge and Jacque dove into the produce drawer, rooting around whatever he could scrounge while I prepared him a mix of healthy things, banana and other options. I also sneakily dropped in a few crushed pills that he’d likely not had over the past however many days I was missing. “I gotta call my work,” I said, musing to myself as I sat Jacque’s bowl down and distracted the bunny out of the fridge with an entire ear of corn hanging from his mouth.
“According to the girl at the bar, you were fired for no-call,” Buck’s voice whispered over my shoulder, bringing with it a warm sort of shiver. “I might could help you get the job back, if you wanted.” He traced a hand over my shoulder and to my neck, fingers wandering the back of my head almost innocently. His foot tapped the door to the fridge closed.
“Fuck,” I said, hanging my head as Buck lined himself up behind me and circled his arms, absent the erection I’d become accustomed to those past few days. He’d become essential and comfortable to me. “I’m gayandI’m unemployed.”
“You weren’t gay before?” Those warm hands wrapped around my middle and met, pulling me in close, almost platonically.
“I—I dunno. Yes? No. I’d never done anything, and I told myself if I never did it, I never was.” I sighed in defeat that ended when a hand traced up my chest, parting the sides of my robe to drag a warm hand across my sensitive skin. “Schrodinger’s homo, you know?”
He paused at that admission and stifled a single huff of laughter. “We cannot help what we are. I can no more be human than I can be a star. I can look like one, but it’s just my skin. Same with you. You’re meant to love a male, here.” He tapped over my heart.
“Maybe. But I prefer to think of you asmine.” The way he said that last word made my skin flush. My cock pulsed and hole twitched. “Gay implies you like men. Beingmineimplies you like me.”
I could get on board with that. My entire core hummed with whatever strange energy we shared. I needed him, needed to be filled by him. “Then what are you?”
“Yours. And before that, I was nothing. I was sand at your feet, dust in the wind, and the foundation of the earth. I existedto hold things aloft and bury the world. I existed for others, for a purpose.” Buck’s soft lips found my neck just under my ear and he kissed with the gentlest of plucks. His breath tickled me. “But I do not need to fuck you until you are ready.”
“My heat thing is over, right?” I weighed my options. “What’s the likelihood I’ll end up butt pregnant from letting it happen?”
“Impossible. The scent has faded, and you’re past your ovulation. We have no risk.” Buck took my question as a sort of consent and kissed my neck again, making me shudder and groan, losing strength against the fridge when he leaned into me.
With all the eagerness I could manage, I pushed my boxers down and fisted my nearly hard cock. A groan and hiss of pleasure spilled over my lips before I shrugged free of my robe, letting it pool at my feet.
Jacque, offended at the display, barked once, grabbed the metal edge of his bowl, and dragged it off behind my couch with a series of clatters, clangs, and scooting noises. A few thumping noises preceded him galloping over to the window and pressing a button.Mad.
He’d get over it.
I barely stifled a huff of laughter that ended the moment Buck released me and let his hands caress my exposed obliques, sculpted to near perfection by years of work. I’d always been desperate to be a gorgeous model of fitness. He appreciated the definition and nipped at the flesh of my shoulder while his hands wandered mygutters, seeking my fisted cock for a pump. After, he drew my hands to brace on the fridge, returning one hand to my cock and the other to my stomach to wander every pit and hill of my abdomen. His fingers studied them until he brushed soft tips through the groomed bush of my pubes. There, he fisted a handful and released, reassuring himself of my maleness. I liked the little tinge of pain.
As his fingers left my hair, they circled my hips. Then, with practiced ease, he pumped my cock in a familiar, rhythmic motion. Exhausted and shaking the days before, he’d done that for me as I’d pleaded, refusing to fill me in the ways my body demanded, ways that my brain knewwaybetter than to.
His fingers found my hole and did as I’d imagined, one sliding into the source of my foreign wetness, pushing deep before curling against my spot. The alien lightning bolt of pleasure took me by surprise and I shouted, hips jerking forward as I painted the front of the fridge in hard, spurting streaks. “F-fuck!”
“Not yet. Let’s see if that gets the edge off for you.” Buck nuzzled the back of my head, down my neck, where he kissed and licked in small circles. He bit as another finger joined his first, scissoring me open to join a third.
Sure, I’d slipped a finger inside me on occasion and found that forbidden spot. I knew better than to tempt fate with it, but when Buck touched me there, I cried aloud and rocked back into him. A year ago, I’d have been spent and whimpering, but I had almost no refractory period since I’d discovered masturbatingthatway.
Over the course of my sexual awakening, most of which had happened in blurry delirium, I’d come to accept I’d never find my pleasure solely from my hand alone. Solely by jerking my cock. I needed something inside me. Something more. Something hot. “Fuck me, Buck. Please.”
The hand at my hole abandoned me with a slick noise when the sudden chill of it pressed between my shoulder blades, forcing me against the fridge. I turned my head to eye the man—no—god, and I relished that strange fire in his eyes. Power, pure and simple. It caught me with a gasp that halted in my throat as he lifted one of my legs and propped it at the knee, forcing me to balance against the fridge and his own grasp. “Tell me whatyour heart says. Tell me what the earth tells you. Do you hear our mother goddess?”
I—had no idea what he was asking, but at the same time, my mind went blank before words whispered through my very soul. “I am an aspect of you, my god of stone, the source of my symbolism and stature. As I stand a mighty testament to you, the Weathering Cliff. I am resilient and strong, but only as long as you hold my form. But from your altar sacrifices were given, and from my ledge the burdensome shall sacrifice their last. Be one with me. As you are within me; I also am part of your visage.”
A snarl of pleasure and breathless shudders broke free of his lips before his cock pressed to my wanton hole. “As so many have been given to me. So many have given themselves to your ideal. For the good of others, it is right for some sacrifices must be made.”
“Become part of me.” My words broke free in a whisper as he breeched my hole and thrust forward, grasping my cock tight to keep me from jizzing all over the fridge again. The cry that broke free of my lips, wounded and sharp, silenced as he adjusted his arms and drew my head to my shoulder, where we shared an awkward kiss.
He grunted as he pushed into me, our bodies colliding unceremoniously and the way he twisted his face to mine sucked the breath out of me as we became one. And, when he broke the kiss, something other than air left me. A whisper of doubt, of shame, incompleteness—it all left me in a rush. With his pressure holding me there, I only had a moment to gather my thoughts before he moved.
Lightning and magic danced in my core. The earth moved beneath us. The sands of distant deserts shifted, and rocks tumbled in unwitnessed coves. Every thrust and rock of his hips drew pleasure from deep within me. Something more than an orgasm.
He heightened his pace, breath growing harsh as he found my cock and pumped, using the fridge to keep me steady. Half-empty condiment bottles rattled inside as the precipice of pleasure rose once more. I could hold it back.
I could wait.
I— He clenched my cock and ended the rise of pleasure within me. “We arrive at the same time.”