His lips pinched. “That’s so unbelievably sad.”
“It’s a cycle of life and death for all. Many things end before their maximum potential. I’m only glad I can listen occasionally,so no spirit dies unheard.” Big words, I knew. I listened occasionally but not much anymore. Cliff made me want to listen again. “You’ll learn in time. After all, we’ll have until the end of all things.”
The sadness in his eyes didn’t compound as much as it did simmer. “That’s a lot of things to watch die.”
“I suppose I’ve grown cold to it. Death isn’t permanent. It’s a transition. Perhaps spirits go where they need. I’m certain I’ve seen the old come new again.” I offered him my kindest smile that seemed to stir his mood from the angst.
“That’s a bright side.”
“Besides, if you’re that guilty, we can tell Rayne to have more babies. Lots of new life.” I waved my hand about dismissively.
He hesitated for a moment and gave me a half-cocked grin. “I wanted to make fun of him! How did I let him make me feel bad over the gay thing when he literally just had a baby…fromthere?”
“Uhhh, let’s not make too much fun of him.” I rubbed the back of my neck and cleared my throat. “I mean, you may want children, too.”
“Yeah…I keep forgetting about that.” He pursed his lips uncomfortably. “Yeah…I wanna tell you flat outno. But like…it’s in my head. I want kids. I’ve got a pet rabbit, for fuck’s sake, and I baby him.”
“You’re not replacing Jacque.” I glanced at the hare and raised a brow. For Jacque’s part, he didn’t seem concerned.
“’Course not. I’m adding onto the family in my head. Like, giving him little siblings and shit.” Cliff waved his hand dismissively before ambling off toward the house, Jacque at his heels.
Chapter Twelve
Storm and Buck took over in the kitchen as Rayne and I settled onto the couch. Without much else of a word, Vida found herself in my arms with a little pillow thing for her head. She wasn’t all that interesting to look at, chubby-cheeked and sleepy…covered in drool that slid over her blanket.
Baby? Kit?Jacque stood on his hind legs and sniffed tentatively before hopping onto the couch.
“Hey, I dunno if bunnies ought to be around babies, lil dude.” No sooner did that come from my mouth, I halted as Pecker fluttered onto the couch to peer introspectively at the baby.
Chick is good. I make strong chicks. Be impressed, new hen. I’ll make chicks with you!
I frowned, and Buck cleared his throat, alerting Pecker to his presence.
Flee!Pecker squawked and ran off, a shed feather laying in his wake.Help! Other rooster! The interloper has threatened our hens and chick!
Storm stuck his head in from the kitchen door, giving both of us a scrutinizing glance. “Quiet, drumstick. I know ten recipes for fried chicken, and you’d make one hell of a single nugget.”
Pecker puffed his chest.Other rooster has my back!
“I have the back of your thigh for dinner… But Jacque can say hi to Vida. Goddesses are very resilient, and he’d not dare hurt her. Animals know.” Storm wiped his hands off on a dish towel and turned back to hand it to Rayne.
“I was making something for the potluck after the run tonight.” Rayne wiped his own hands off and sidled in while Jacque took his cue to lean up and sniff at Vida sweetly. Atentative few bunny kisses to her cheek later and he retreated with a somewhat smug sensation about him.
“You can understand him, right?” Buck nudged my shoulder, lips twisted.
“A bit. Words here and there. I used to think it was my imagination. We had whole conversations until I got the board, and he suddenly had lots more things to say.” I smiled at Jacque then at Vida who cooed happily, her little curls a dark smattering across her soft head.
“He only speaks around you. Treasure it. And the fact he understands is so very rare.” Buck reached over to take Vida, but I tensed, not wanting to part just yet from my niece.
“Alright, turn the kiddo over.” Rayne made grabby hands and took Vida from me before escaping to a chair at the side where Storm hovered about. Wordlessly, he lifted his shirt, raised Vida to his chest, and situated himself with the cloth Storm had dried his hands on earlier to chest feed the contented little one.
“Huh…” I blinked a few times.
“Make fun of me all you want. It’s hella cheaper than formula.” Rayne didn’t seem like he was doing it to save money though. The unabashed way he tucked her into his chest and smiled at her made me struggle not to smile.