Page 11 of The Buck Stops Hare


I’d loved camping and climbing my whole life. The earth had been more at home with me than anything else. Rayne liked the spark of electricity, and I loved the earth. Eve? Who knew what she liked besides taking up everyone’s time. I snorted.

The godlike…god…that had taken me from my captive situation had my untamed libido begging for him, submitting like…I dunno, a slut? I couldn’t ever imagine begging to be fucked before. But since then? I thirsted for dick. I didn’t even know if I was a bottom or not, but biology said I was. But dammit, I wanted to fuck, too!

Sure, the natural lubricant pooling at my backside demanded I allow one cock in at that moment in time, but I wantedsomething. I needed raw, passionate, and fierce release. In my mind, if I could get one good nut in, I’d be peachy keen.

“You’ve got Rayne’s number. I’ll be home soon with him once he’s settled and claimed.” The new god hefted me in his arms.

“We going home?” The words felt thick coming out of my mouth as my mind swam with so many twisted urges.

“We’re going someplace safe until you feel well, my aspect.” The way his slim features loomed over me held birdlike grace and stony elegance. A sharp nose framed prominent brow bones hiding dark mossy eyes like dark aventurine. “Then I’ll return you to your family.”

“Will you stay with me?” I clutched Jacque tighter as he nosed up to give me an affectionate little bunny kiss.

“As long as you need. Longer still. Until our mother comes to claim us.” He leaned down and brushed soft lips over my cheek,inhaling deeply as those dark pools of green closed. “Thank you, mother.”

His whisper made warm, calm energy lull me into relaxing just enough that sleep snagged me.


For the second time in too few days, I woke in a strange bed surrounded by the scent of disuse. This time, though, I had no fear. Jacque milled around nearby, head buried in a trough of salad, chewing fresh, wild greens I’d never thought to get the poor guy. He seemed happy.

As if noticing I’d awoken, he turned his head, still chewing, and barked his happy little greeting before thumping over and onto the bed, wallowing around my covers excitedly as if he were celebrating the return of his parent.

“Cliff?” The warm tones of the male I’d met earlier answered me back as I took in my surroundings.

I lay in a hand-hewn bed, log framed, on a well-worn mattress. It creaked as I sat up. Log rafters framed straw insulation thatched tight above, amid a modest single-room cabin. Few amenities met my gaze, just natural subsistence, much like my own small apartment.

“Bathroom,” I groaned, and he pulled a curtain back by the kitchenette to show me a, thankfully, well-equipped room. I stood and shuffled on bare feet across unevenly hand-carved floorboards and into the brick-floored bath for all my necessities.

“Shower in there if you like.”

“Only if you join me,” I said, not thinking. “Scratch that. Lemme wash my ass in peace.”

A grunt of acknowledgement met my words, and I shed my clothes to slide into a rather practical shower stall with water pressure just shy of a fire hydrant. “Ughhh… Yesssss.” I moanedat the warm water until the curtain twitched, alerting me to movement beyond a textured glass wall.

“Merely bringing towels.”

“Well, you can stay for a moment. Answer some questions.” I pawed around for a bar of soap and relished a cedary rich fragrance as I drew it up an arm.

“Whatever you wish.” A light clink and rattle told me he’d lowered the toilet seat lid and seated himself. Despite his stillness and distance, my body craved his touch, and his scent had my cock pulsing to full mast. If he noticed, he said nothing though.

“So. Name? Bucking-something?” I vigorously scrubbed at my hair, trying to get that vile, sweet scent of my own sweat off me, and the musk of boar and light scent of Grim where he’d touched me platonically. It all seemed to stink.

“The Buckling Stone. Buck.” Confidence marked the latter of those words. So, Buck it was, I guessed.

“Cliff. I think you know that already. And I’m like, your match or something? Grim said I was someone’s, and I’d know it and I sure as hell know there’s something about you, dude.” I peeked out and scrutinized him, trying not to get lost in those bottomless eyes. A fresh wave of arousal pulsed through me.

He tilted his head from side to side. “My aspect, at least. It should come with a level of—attraction.” As his brows settled and lids hooded, I followed his gaze down. And with the week I’d been through, I couldn’t muster an ounce of shame. “Though, I won’t push anything. You’re too new, too innocent to take.”

“And how would that work?” I ducked back into the shower and found an excuse to drown my face in the hot flow.

He rustled beyond my scope of vision in what I assumed was a shrug. “Can’t rightly say. I know how your brother was claimed. Rayne was very confident in himself, but you’redifferent. You’re not Rayne. They copulated, I suppose, talked some, learned one another.”

I hummed and tried to wipethatimage out of my mind.No. Thank. You.I had zero desire to think about Rayne getting his twinkly little butt pounded by deliciously buff, rugged men. Though, my thoughts did drift tomegetting my butt pounded byabuff, rugged man.

“But I’d like to see you out of your estrus before we do anything physical. You are an omega and that comes with risks. I’m not putting a baby in you by accident if that’s not what you explicitly want.” He cleared his throat. “And I’m not exactly the best god to attach oneself to.”