“Have lots and lots of sex,” I whisper in his ear and nip at the lobe.
He brandishes his spoon in my direction. “We don’t have time for that. We have to go to family dinner.”
A deep peace washes over me. I love family dinner. I look forward to playing with Chime and seeing my brothers every week. It’s rare that we can all make it, but I usually get to see Quin and Coin. Now Lucas can join us, the way he was always meant to.
“Let’s go take a shower, baby. It’s almost time to go.”
Silver enters his moms’ house without knocking. I linger behind with my bowl of potato salad, a little nervous of what Ruby and Shae will say when they find out Silver put his paws on me. Technically, we aren’t bonded yet. After a raccoon shifter puts their paws on their intended mate, it often takes a month or two for the connection to solidify. If Ruby or Shae disapprove, maybe our bond will never form.
If they disapprove, I don’t think Silver would ever get over that.
“C’mon,” Silver says, gesturing me forward.
The living room is exactly how I remember it. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the walls are covered in shiny picture frames. I glance around for the pictures I was included in, not daring to hope that they’re still hanging on the walls. But there they are: our trip to the Grand Tetons, a photo of us doing homework at the table, Link doing a goofy face while Silver and I laugh. When I was in high school, I counted six photos where I was visible in some way, and all six are still displayed proudly.
Chime runs into the living room. “Silver!”
He lifts her off her feet and spins her around. She lets out a high-pitched giggle.
“Lucas, you’re here!” Quin says, coming at me for a hug. “We’re making oreos. Come on.”
Silver smiles at me. “Go on. You love making oreos.”
I follow Quin through the hallway and into my favorite place in the whole world. It’s exactly as I remember it: dark scuffed cabinets, stained laminate countertops, and an old white fridge with duct tape on the handle. Coin is rolling balls of deep brown dough and lining them up on a cookie sheet in the corner. Ruby is in front of the open oven, pulling out a pan of cookies. She has dozens of bangles hanging from each wrist, just as many earrings dangling from each ear, and her hair swept up into a messy bun. There are more smile lines on her face, but other than that, she looks the same too.
Her face lights up when she sees me. “Lucas!” She glances down at my belly, and her smile only grows. “Hold on, let me set this down.” She puts the cookies on the stovetop, holding her arms out to me while the oven mitt is still on her right hand. I take a hesitant step toward her, clutching my potato salad in front of me like armor.
She hugs me from the side. “Welcome home. It’s so good to see you.” The scent of her lotion and her gentle touch are a reminder of all the hours we spent in this kitchen together. This was the one place where I always felt safe.
“It looks like you’re about to give me grandpups,” she says.
“Oh, um, yeah,” I stammer. “A litter of three.”
She smiles wide. “A litter? Congratulations. That’s so exciting. When are you due?”
Silver trails into the kitchen and slides his arm around my waist. Ruby watches his hand, then locks eyes with him. The silent question between them is obvious.
“I put my paws on Lucas two days ago,” he says.
Quin claps his hands with excitement and Coin smiles at Silver from the corner of the room. Ruby’s gaze darts between Silver and me, her expression unreadable.
“I discussed it with Lucas’s previous mate. He won’t be coming after us,” Silver says.
Ruby looks down at my belly. “The pups…”
“I’ll be their legal alpha father. Daryll is letting me adopt them.”
She reaches her arms out to Silver and gives him a big hug. “I knew you’d do the right thing.” She pulls away from Silver and hugs me again. “I am so happy for the two of you.”
“Then you approve?” Silver asks, his voice uncertain.
She puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows. “You gave me Lucas as a son-in-law. How could I disapprove?”
“Mom, please?—”