“Lots of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they believe they don’t deserve it.” He looks directly at Slade as he says this.


Slade holds out his hand to Chime. “Maybe no one’s loved them properly before.”

Chime takes his hand and follows him out of the kitchen. “Why?”

“That’s a good question.” Slade’s deep voice fades as they walk away.

“I guess we’re eating on the way?” Coin says, jotting his number on the piece of paper.

Link grabs the loaf of bread and a bunch of bananas on the counter. “Yep. Good luck, man. I want all the updates, okay?” He writes his name and phone number on the paper, too, although it doesn’t look particularly legible.

Tin, Link, and Coin head out. Only Quin is left in the kitchen. He picks up the paper and hands it to me. “Do our moms know he’s pregnant?”

I shake my head.

“They need to,” Quin says.

“I know. But I’m not sure he’s ready yet.”

He purses his lips. “Okay. It’s just… he needs a mom. Or a dad or whatever. He needs a parent.”

“I’ll take care of him, Quin. I promise.”

Quin shoves his hands in his pockets. “Sure. But you’re sleeping with him, aren’t you? That makes things complicated. I think Lucas needs love that isn’t complicated right now. Make sure he charges his phone, okay? And ask if you can take him home for family dinner this Saturday. Tell him I’d love to see him.”

“Yeah, okay.”

He holds out his arms to me. I bring him in for a hug. He smells of vanilla and warm bread, as always.

“Thanks for coming over,” I say.

He pulls away. “It was good to see you. I left some cookies in the freezer for you and Lucas. I hope you can make it on Saturday.”

I watch him go, waiting for the inevitable loneliness that always comes after a visit from one of my brothers, but all I feel is concern for Lucas. I’m not sure if I should let him have space or go comfort him.

In the end, I decide to knock on the door to the guest room because of Quin.

I think Lucas needs love that isn’t complicated right now.

I’ll give Lucas all the love that I can, complicated or not.



Silver knocks on the door. I don’t answer.

He knocks again. I stay in bed.

He knocks a third time. I know I should get up. I should apologize for not giving his brothers my number. I should tell him that he was right, I was wrong, and I’ll never do it again. I should cook him a nice breakfast and plaster a smile on my face until he’s too busy with work to notice how upset I am.

Except Silver isn’t Daryll.

My heart still pounds as he waits by the door. I don’t normally ignore alphas who want something from me. I give them what they want or try to calm them down. If neither of those things work, I run.

Lying here in this bed is the opposite of all that.