“Whatever. I like it. I think I’m going to put it in my living room,” Link says.
Silver and I finally bust up laughing. He leans against me, like he did when we were younger and Link’s antics made him bend over in stitches. I love the pressure of his body and the rhythmic bounce of his laughter. It’s all so nostalgic and wonderful.
I wish this night never had to end.
“Are you sure about that?” Coin asks. “You haven’t found a mate yet, and I don’t think that will help matters. Any guy you bring home is going to think you’re a serial killer.”
Link scoffs. “No, they won’t. I’m way too fun to be a serial killer. They’re always the silent and serious types.”
Silver just laughs harder.
“Link, you can stop cutting cheese now,” Quin says. “You’ve cut enough to feed a small army.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go sit over there with my turkey that none of you are cool enough to appreciate. Except for Lucas. You like it, don’t you?” Link asks, looking at me hopefully.
I wince. “Um…”
The rest of them join in laughing, including Link. I love the way he can laugh at himself. He’s confident enough that Coin’s comments never seem to bother him.
“Do you know what you’re going to name your pups?” Quin asks, out of the blue.
“Oh, um, not yet.”
“Do you know their genders? You don’t have to say. I’m just curious,” he says.
“Not yet.” I look away from him, worried that he might guess just how few prenatal appointments I’ve been able to afford. Doctor’s appointments are expensive, and Daryl doesn’t want to apply for government aid. He says we can manage on our own without asking for handouts.
Wolf shifters rarely have complications during the pregnancies, so I hope everything will be okay. I certainly can’t afford to go to the doctor now.
“It’s so fun that you’re having a litter,” Quin says. “Three is a great number. Not too many to overwhelm you, but enough that they’ll have friends. Our moms are going to be so excited to be grandmas again!”
“They’ll be wolf shifters,” I remind Quin. Not Ruby’s and Shae’s grandkits.
“Yes! They’ll be so cute. I can’t wait,” he says. “You have to let me babysit.”
Coin sits on the barstool next to me. “I’d like to help out too. I’ll be going on tour soon, if you wanted to borrow my car for a while.”
I glance at Silver, not sure what he’ll think of all his brothers coming to my rescue.
He smiles. “Coin has a nice ride. When he’s not driving around Uncle Dagger’s smelly camper, that is.”
“And now it smells like dumpster taxidermy turkey,” Coin says.
They go back to teasing Link about the turkey. The rhythm of their conversation is natural and expected, like the crash of the waves upon a beach. It comes and goes with a familiarity that makes me feel safe.
“What if I swapped out the eyes?” Link asks. “Would it be less creepy then?”
Quin shakes his head in horror. “Don’t remove the eyes. Oh my God.”
“What do you think is underneath them?” Coin asks.
Tin shudders. “There are some things we don’t need to know in this life.”
Silver laughs and laughs. One of my favorite things about him is how much he loves his brothers. He never gets annoyed with Link the way the others do and he always enjoys Coin’s terse humor. He listens to Quin’s rambling and appreciates Tin’s occasional contributions to the conversation. He understands all of them.
Slade returns to the kitchen with a little raccoon perched on his shoulder. “Chime is ready for bed. I figured since you said Lucas was like your brother that she could come out like this, but if that isn’t okay?—”
Quin stands up on his toes to give Slade a kiss. He has to pull Slade down by his shirt to make it happen. They look so happy as they kiss each other, just like Ruby and Shae. I guess that’s what raccoon shifter bonds are like.