Page 62 of Caged Bird

He slammed home hard and fast, grinding his pubic bone right on my clit and spreading me wide with the thick base of his cock, my pussy greedy for every inch of him.

He wasn’t gentle, because I didn’t need or want him to be. We were primal, an incessant need driving us on that came to a crest, both of us falling over the edge at the same time which didn’t always happen, but I loved when it did. “Augie!”

My name on his lips was just as loud. My fingernails dug into the tawny, muscled skin of his back, and we moved together, riding each other out until neither of us could take it another second and we fell into a sticky, wet, pleasurable heap of arms and legs.

I pressed my lips against his shoulder, just breathing in his scent, still as grateful and in love with him as the first time we’d uttered those words to each other so many years before.

He rolled off me eventually, lying beside me while we caught our breath, but his fingers twined around mine. I stroked theback of his hand with my thumb, my eyes closed, while I enjoyed every inch of my body that was so damn pleased with him.

“We should get up,” I said eventually. “Bliss is expecting us.”

“Bliss probably has a houseful of visitors. She won’t notice if we aren’t there.”

I punched him half-heartedly. “Don’t you want to meet your new nephew?”

We’d been traveling when my brother’s partner had gone into labor and delivered their third baby. A boy this time, which was a surprise since their two older kids were girls. It evened up mine and Augie’s nephew/niece tally a little, with three nieces and now two nephews. Besides Vincent’s three, Banjo, Augie’s brother, had a boy and a girl now as well.

Augie rolled off the bed and onto his feet, walking around our bedroom looking for fresh clothes while he was bare-ass naked.

Which I was not complaining about at all, since the view was sweet.

He pulled a shirt from the chest of drawers. “You feeling okay about the new baby?”

I twisted onto my side, watching him. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

He shrugged. “Just checking in and making sure we’re still good on the no-kids front. Neither of us are exactly getting any younger here, so if you wanted to change your mind…”

I shook my head. “I don’t. But if you need to talk about it…”

He leaned over to kiss me. “Nope. I’m still on board with the no-kids plan. No changes of heart from me. I was really just checking to see if your ovaries were aching at the thought of a cute bundle of baby.”

“Only a tiny twinge, but pretty sure that might have actually been my stomach and probably more to do with that possibly dodgy seafood linguine you made last night.”

He made a face. “It wasn’t that bad.”

“Wasn’t that good though, either.”

He chuckled. “We’ll ask for doggie bags from this lunch today to bring home for dinner. Maybe your brother will take pity on us starving fools who can’t cook.”

“Better hope it’s Vincent in charge today then. Because if it’s Scythe, we’re going to be more likely to be fed stale crackers he found in the back of the cabinet and a package of wasabi left over from their last Japanese takeout.”

My brother had DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, once known as a split personality. His alter, Scythe, was pretty much the complete opposite of Vincent, the more dominant but much quieter, though no-less-psychotic personality. Vincent wasn’t an awful cook. Scythe was too unpredictable to trust with flames and knives.

Augie put himself in the shower, and I joined him, even though that added another fifteen minutes when he pushed me up against the tiled bathroom wall and fucked me again. We finally got clean and dressed and were only a few minutes late by the time we drove from our modest place in Saint View, across town to the much fancier Providence, where my brother lived in one of our parents’ properties with his family.

They were an unconventional unit by anyone’s standards, with four adults making up the one relationship. War opened the door when we knocked, Nash only a few steps behind. Their two-year-old, Mila, flailed around like a fish out of water in his arms while he tried to comb her hair.

War grinned. “Welcome to the madness.”

I leaned in and kissed my brother-in-law’s cheek, then held my arms out to their now middle child. “Mila Fawn!” My stomach always clenched a bit at using my niece’s middle name, but it made me happy at the same time, that she was a reminder of the sister we’d lost. “Are you giving your daddy a hard time?”

She giggled and gave me the wide, cheeky smile I loved so much. It was full of cute tiny baby teeth and came complete with a scrunched-up nose and eyes.

In short, she was fucking adorable.

She reached chubby arms to me, making my heart squeeze, even though I knew she probably would have reached for any random stranger who might have saved her from getting her hair brushed. But I took her from Nash’s arms and smothered her in aunty kisses until she was giggling and squealing.

Nash handed the brush over, and I winked at him. “Got it in the bag.”