Iwrapped my fingers around Fawn’s, leading her along the barely-there path through the trees. Subconsciously, my thumb stroked the back of her hand, and I kept sneaking little glimpses of her, because it was impossible not to.
There was a bounce in her step that hadn’t been there earlier. A small smile pulling at her full lips, drawing my gaze. As we neared the house, something brewed in the space between us. A sense of excitement and hope that was contagious.
I caught sight of the police car parked next to my flat-tired truck before we’d even broken through the tree line. Fawn gasped, tugging on my hand and staring up at me with those huge brown eyes that felt connected to my soul. “They’re already here!”
My heart thumped.
There was a very real chance I was going to get arrested for my part in what had gone down today, and for being an accomplice. But I would happily go down for a hundred crimes I’d been blackmailed into committing if it meant I got to see that life return to her eyes.
She was getting out.
And Eddie was going to prison, hopefully for the rest of his life.
I stared down at her, a pretty pink flush in her cheeks, and again, was frozen by just how much being in her presence affected me. I tipped her chin up and kissed her, without her permission, but I couldn’t help myself.
I’d barely gotten a taste of her, but I knew I’d already had more than I deserved.
Her lips were soft beneath mine, and I kept the kiss quick, knowing we needed to get in there before Eddie spun some sort of story. “If I’m arrested—”
Fawn reared back and shook her head. “What? No. I’ll tell them you had nothing to do with it.”
I brushed a thumb over her bottom lip. “But we both know that’s not true.”
“He blackmailed you.”
“But I still did things I shouldn’t have. And I deserve to pay for them. But my mom…”
Fawn pressed two fingers to my lips. “I’ll find her. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”
I knew she had no idea yet how she would do that, but I also knew if Fawn made a promise, she would keep it. So all I did was nod my thanks.
She let go of my hand as we emerged from the woods, and with her head held high, she marched across the lawn, with me right at her back in support.
The front door opened when we were just a few feet away, the sound of laughter meeting my ears before I registered the two figures coming out the door.
The police officer from earlier gave me a boost of hope, but the smiling laughter on my brother’s face, that couldn’t hide the coldness in his eyes, left me hollow.
“Good to see you again, Tony.” Eddie clapped the police officer on the shoulder, walking him to his car, even though his gaze was locked on me.
Tony glanced my way but then reached for my brother’s hand and shook it. “Glad we could clear this misunderstanding up.”
“There’s no misunderstanding.” Fawn ran across the lawn, stopping a few steps away from the police officer in his uniform. Just far enough away that Eddie couldn’t touch her.
Her eyes pleaded with the officer. “I don’t know what he’s told you, but all of it is lies. My son and I are not here of our own free will. We aren’t safe. He’s been abusing us for years. We need help.”
The police officer raised an eyebrow at Fawn. “Ma’am, your husband here tells me you are free to leave at any time you want. If you need a lift, I will happily drive you into town myself right now.”
“He’snotmy husband. Not in any legal way.” She glanced at me, a silent question in her eyes as to whether this cop could be trusted.
I nodded. “Get Otis. I’m coming too.”
Fawn took a step toward the door, but the police officer held up a hand. “You, ma’am, are free to go. But the boy stays. His father has indicated he does not agree to you removing him from the home, and that he fears for your mental state.”
My mouth dropped open. “Her—are you fucking kidding me? That kid is in danger. She can’t just leave him here!”
Fawn looked between me and the officer with panic in her eyes. “I won’t go without my son!”