But Eddie lapped it up. “You like that, you dirty slut? You like taking another man’s fat cock? You gonna tell your disrespectful husband that your pussy got all wet for me?”
“Yes!” she shouted again.
He yanked her down off the table and spun her around, bending her over it and slapping a hand against her bare ass. “You’re going to go home to Guerra and sit on his face, letting him taste my fucking cum dripping from your pussy?”
“He can’t even knock you up. But you know I can, don’t you, you little bitch? That’s why you want Daddy’s fat cock, isn’t it?”
Eddie was an idiot. Fucking Guerra’s wife was going to get him buried six feet under, and all because his pride was hurt Guerra hadn’t shown up tonight? He couldn’t even see she clearly had some other agenda and she was playing him just as much as he was playing her.
Eddie rutted into her a few more times, groaning, their skin slapping together one more time before he doubled over, leaning onto her heavily and coming deep inside her stretched-out pussy.
She clung to the tool bench, and one arm reached around to hold on to him, keeping him inside her.
He pulled out of her abruptly, and she turned around slowly, straightening her clothes back into place.
She smiled up at him, and he was all over her again in a second, kissing her neck, grinding his now limp dick against her.
She laughed, pushing him away. “So eager.”
“You’re fucking beautiful.”
She practically preened under his compliments. “Do you think so? He doesn’t seem to notice me anymore. I’m just hiserrand boy, running around making deals for him that he deems not worthy to make himself.”
I scrunched my eyes shut, knowing exactly how much those words would trigger my brother.
“Guerra is a fuckwit. Why are you even with him? If you’re the one doing all the deals, why do you even need him?”
She shrugged. “He’s the one with the money.”
Eddie cocked his head to one side. “We could kill him. Then all the money would be yours.”
Audrina paused. “You would do that?”
Eddie considered the idea. “For a fee. Fifty percent of everything left to you.”
Audrina paused, then laughed. “You’re crazy.”
But Eddie’s eyes had that dead expression in them. The one he got when he had his mind on the prize, and that prize suddenly looked like half of the Guerras’ fortune. “I’ll do it. You just say the word.”
She sucked in a breath.
And then nodded. “Do it. I hate that old cunt. I can already see him sniffing around other women. I refuse to be like his exes, out in the cold without a cent to their names.” She rubbed her completely flat belly. “The baby I’m going to have and I deserve more.”
Eddie’s grin turned wide. “I think we need a drink to celebrate our new partnership, don’t you?”
She grabbed his arm. “But listen, you can’t say anything out there. This is just between the two of us. They can’t know. Not yet, or someone will tip off my husband.”
He nodded and poked his head out the door. “Coast is clear. After you.”
She gave his crotch one last grope and giggled as she walked out on her high heels. “Such a gentleman, both with his dick in his pants and out of it.”
Eddie chased after her, the door shutting behind him.
The lock sliding into place.