Page 22 of Caged Bird

I didn’t know what Eddie had on him, but clearly it was enough to demand full obedience.

“Hurry up, Peach. My dick ain’t getting any warmer.”

“Otis is just outside,” I protested again, wanting to do anything but suck Eddie’s cock.

“Where he’ll stay until I tell him he can come in. And that won’t be until his mama has done her wifely duty.” Eddie narrowed his eyes and dropped his voice so only I would hear it, his fingers on my wrist drawing me in so his mouth was close to my ear. “I can leave him out there all fucking night if you want me to, Peach.”

My blood chilled at the thought of my tiny, too-skinny son outside all night in the cold, wearing nothing but shorts and a T-shirt. The wolves in the woods, drawing closer, attracted by his cries.

That thought was worse than any embarrassment I might have had about what Eddie wanted me to do in front of Zane. It wasn’t like this was anything new. I’d been forced to do worse infront of many of Eddie’s friends, him forever showing everyone what was his and what wasn’t to be touched.

Like any of them would want me anyway.

I’d learned a long time ago that the more I protested, the more he enjoyed it. So now I just closed my eyes and pretended I was somewhere else.

Anywhere else.

Often, I was back at the strip club. Learning how to balance the accounts for Eve during the day. Spending my days off shopping with her and Lyric. Flirting with Augie, even though I knew he was too old for me, and he only saw me as a little sister.

Dancing for men to make my money but never feeling as cheap as I did when Eddie looked at me.

I got down on my knees between his legs and fit my mouth over the familiar, broad head of his dick.

Eddie groaned in pleasure, settling back on the couch and closing his eyes.

I went through the motions, bobbing my head over his lap, using my hand and my lips and tongue in unison.

Pretending he was anyone else.

Cat-green eyes caught mine.

Zane watching me, not in my head, but from across the room.

Anger boiled inside me. Frustration and fear and fury all mixing together into something that felt a whole lot like defiance. How could he just sit there and watch this? Just because he’d been told to?

A voice whispered in the back of my head that I was no better. No braver. Wasn’t I the one on her knees, blowing a man she despised because standing up to him had never been an option? Because he was always faster. Smarter. Stronger.

I’d survived by being quiet. By doing as I was told.

I could hardly blame Zane for doing the same.

But letting the anger fade away let another emotion in. One that felt entirely different.

Zane’s chest rose and fell too quickly. He watched me as intently as I watched him, our gazes connected, neither of us looking away.

For a second, I closed my eyes, and in my mind the man in front of me morphed from Eddie to Zane. It was Zane’s lap I hovered over. His thick cock plunging into my mouth. His fingers tangled in my hair.

Wet heat bloomed between my thighs, taking me by surprise. My nipples hardened pleasurably, and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, not wanting to remember my reality.

I just wanted to live in my head until this was over. I could see it so clearly. Zane slumped in the chair, his hips rising and falling ever so slightly, meeting my downward plunges. His green-eyed gaze filling me with something I hadn’t felt in years.

Need wrapped its way through my body.

A desperate desire coiled low in my belly, begging my fingers to reach between my legs and stroke myself.

I let out a little moan.

Eddie’s voice cut through the fantasy. “That’s it, Peach. Take my fat cock while I come down your throat, you slut.”