“You guys are no fun!” I laughed.
Henry leaned in to kiss me. “And you, my dear, have no bluffing game.”
“Oh, you think so?” I said, crawling into his lap and resting my head against his shoulder. His fingers were already tickling my skin, and I smiled, closing my eyes.
“Yeah, sure, no flirting,” Spencer said, shaking his head.
“Don’t be jealous, dude,” Ethan teased. Ethan was perpetually single, because, as far as I could tell, he was in love with his best friend’s wife. Another relatable situation, now that I thought about it.
“Horny,” Spencer muttered under his breath. And that was interesting, because I was sure Spencer was straight.
“Where’s Gage?” I asked Ethan, trying to figure out if Ethan wanted to fuck Gage too. Now that I knew how good anal was, I was thinking it might solve quite a few problems.
“No matchmaking,” Henry whispered, leaning over and kissing my cheek. “It’s cute, though.”
“I wasn’t matchmaking. I just want everyone to be as happy as I am,” I whispered back. He caught my eye and grinned big, and I blushed, then lifted my eyes to find everyone at the table staring at it.
“Shit,” Cole whispered. “You two are freaking adorable. How did none of us know Jason was a cute little kitten on the inside?”
“Kitten, I like that,” Henry said, winking at me.
The game lasted late into the evening, and when we finally went upstairs, Mari was already in bed and asleep. She had an early morning at work the next day, and I crept around, trying not to wake her. Henry, though, was staring at something on the dresser.
“We need a space for this,” he murmured, running his fingers over the flogger.
“Do you need it?” I whispered, and he glanced at his wife, then nodded. I smiled softly, taking his hand and leading him back downstairs, where I quickly stripped down to my underwear, watching as his eyes widened.
“Fuck, Kitten, you bought sexy underwear for us,” he murmured, tugging on my jockstrap’s wide, elastic band.
“Are you going to punish me?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
He shook his head. “This isn’t punishment. This is me marking you up, so all day tomorrow while you’re out with those clients, every movement will make you think of me. You good with that?”
My cock twitched, and I leaned forward, arching my back. “So damn good.” And his lashes started. He was getting good with the flogger, able to create a nice biting pain with no damage, and I moaned, feeling the fuzzy edges of subspace creeping in around my mind.
Chapter 17
I looked around theSandy Creek Tavern, searching for my friends. This was my first night out with the girls since Henry and I had started seeing Jason, and they’d given me shit for disappearing on them. But who wouldn’t disappear when they had Jason’s luscious body to play with?
Blushing, I thought about how I’d fucked him that morning. I’d tied him down to the bed, straddling him while Henry drove deep into his ass. It was incredible to watch his face during those moments, the way he completely lost it from being between us. And I knew exactly what it felt like, because I spent plenty of time as the one in the middle.
I needed to stop thinking about sex and find my friends, stat. I searched the room, finally landing on a group of women, laughing and talking at a corner table near the big overhead door that opened to the outside seating. It was a busy night, and there was a live band setting up on stage, while people spilled out onto the patio, their laughter echoing across the valley.
As I approached my friends, Anna turned and waved to me. The small group of women who I called my closest friends included Henry’s sister and a few other women we’d grown up with, as well as women who were new to town. A graphic designer named Sophie had moved here from Denver and fit right in, while I’d known Anna and a woman named Nadia since elementary school. Nadia was holding court at the moment, and I could tell she was in the middle of telling some wild story. She was going through a divorce and desperate for company.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Sophie said, hugging me.
“So, tell us about the threesome situation,” Nadia said. Since the divorce started, she was eager to talk about sex. By all accounts, her sex life with her husband had been stagnant for years, which was awkward, because Henry and Jason were friends with her soon-to-be ex, Spencer.
I shook my head and smiled, and Anna covered her ears.
“Do not need to know about my brother’s sex life,” Anna yelped. “I mean, I’m happy you and Henry have found your happily every after, again, with Jason, but I don’t need details!”
“Is that what it is?” I asked, tilting my head. Was it so difficult to believe that we could have found true happiness with my husband’s unpredictable best friend as part of our relationship? “Work was tough today. I need a drink!” I looked around the busy bar, hoping someone would serve us.
“We got our drinks from the bar. The server hasn’t come by yet,” Nadia said. “I think they’re short staffed tonight.” And looking around the busy bar, I could see why. Tourists were everywhere. I wished we’d gone somewhere quieter, but this was one of our favorite spots, and it was owned by Henry and Jason’s friend Archer. I stood back up and sighed.