Page 95 of Elven Crown

She couldn’t tell Maxwell anything. Not who she was. Not why she’d escaped from the Bloodshadow Court, or what they’d wanted with her and still wanted. Not even that she’d already known Rowan Blackmoon from a lifetime ago.

A life from which she’d fled so she could build something new for herself here, however unsteady or in a state of constant flux.

The life she had on Earth washers, and that alone made it worth protecting.

She thought she might have been trembling as she battled with the need to confess everything and confide in the shifter, but a few seconds later, the urge passed.

And Rebecca could breathe again.

Something told her the truth would only anger Maxwell and make him distrust her that much more.

Finally, she was thinking clearly again. Making him distrust her would only push him further away and make everything that much worse.

Then the moment that had drawn out like an entire day between them passed, and Rebecca cleared her throat.

If Maxwell wanted to protect her from impending threats, fine.

She held his gaze and finally settled on the only response that made any sense. “Why are you telling me all this?”

His eyes wandered back and forth across her face. He leaned closer, as if that would help him see the truth behind her constant mask.

She wanted him closer.

She wanted him to get out of her face and just answer her question.

She didn’t know what the hell she wanted.

Just before she couldn’t stand here any longer, gazing into those silver eyes, the shifter finally answered.

“You really pulled through tonight on mission. I’d thought it would take a lot longer to get to that point, if it ever happened. But you proved me wrong.”

Rebecca widened her eyes at him. Was this really happening?

“You proved you can do what Aldous never could,” Maxwell continued. “You cleaned up his mess, and you got it doneright. Just like you said you would.”

Yes, provided he stopped getting in her way and sticking his nose in her business.

Now her Head of Security was finally acknowledging her efforts.

She wanted to thank him for it, but what popped out of her mouth instead was a low chuckle. “That surprises you. Why? Did you expect me to fail?”

It was meant as a joke based on the likely truth, knowing how Maxwell felt about her after the promises he’d made to unearth her secrets. She didn’t normally crack half-hearted jokes to lighten the mood, but this one served as more of a distraction.

Just for her, apparently.

Maxwell didn’t laugh but remained stoic and serious and deeply genuine as he dipped his head toward her, holding her captive in his gaze. “I was wrong.”

Blue Hells, she’d won the jackpot. An admission of wrong from Maxwell Hannigan.

This was the closest thing to an apology she would ever get from him, she was sure of it. It had come so unexpectedly and at such an odd time, Rebecca had no idea how to respond.

He was giving her the benefit of the doubt now, plus complimenting her ability. Maybe, if she stretched it, he might also be inadvertently admitting that he might have been too harsh on her from the beginning.

She found it strangely endearing, but that made it even more suspect. She still couldn’t tell what he was trying to do.

Was he flirting? Submitting? Showing fealty to the Thon-Da’al in his own special shifter way?

Was he deferring to her leadership and giving in, or was this something else she wasn’t equipped to recognize because she’d never been in a situation like this?